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Landing gear Stuck...!

Sep 3, 2019
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My landing gear is stuck in the up position...attempted to manually turn the worm drive screw without success....the one quote I have gotten to fix it is $475, parts & labor...anyone have the same problem and how did you solve it?....I may sell it for parts instead of paying that much to repair...it’s only worth about $1000 fixed.
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I had a problem with mine once, about a year ago, after a firmware update. I took mine out of auto landing gear mode and started using the toggle on the remote, which still worked fine. Both modes started working again after the next fw update.
Mine seems to be more mechanical than firmware related..
I have read where the gears are easily stripped out...a common occurrence.
My landing gear is stuck in the up position...attempted to manually turn the worm drive screw without success....the one quote I have gotten to fix it is $475, parts & labor...anyone have the same problem and how did you solve it?....I may sell it for parts instead of paying that much to repair...it’s only worth about $1000 fixed.
Since you have posted this in the General Discussion area - What aircraft are you talking about?
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I've seen two mechanical issues, failed mechanical connection ("stripped") between the motor and screw, and a jammed screw. Both solved by replacing the center frame or motor. Sounds like the same symptom you described. Let me know if I can help.

Can you hear the motor working? And to confirm, you could not turn the screw in either direction?
I've seen two mechanical issues, failed mechanical connection ("stripped") between the motor and screw, and a jammed screw. Both solved by replacing the center frame or motor. Sounds like the same symptom you described. Let me know if I can help.

Can you hear the motor working? And to confirm, you could not turn the screw in either direction?
Initially I could hear the motor running, not sure now that its been stored for a while...tried to turn the screw without success
I have the same issue. I have the servo motor on the way from Shenzhen and a used center frame coming from Canada. New center frame assemblies can be gotten new for +- 135.00 out of China. I will report back if the servo motor alone fixed the gear.
I have the same issue. I have the servo motor on the way from Shenzhen and a used center frame coming from Canada. New center frame assemblies can be gotten new for +- 135.00 out of China. I will report back if the servo motor alone fixed the gear.
I have seen used as low as $99...new from 120 and.up...Atlanta Hobby (where I bought it) quoted 275 ...will you do your own repair?
Good evening.

I do my own repairs. I spent a significant amount of time and money in parts to learn the in's and out's of repairing, just the Inspire 1. While there doesn't seem to be "acceptable data", modular replacement after troubleshooting, works pretty good. Had pretty remarkable results. I am an FAA mechanic and a longtime "techie".

Unfortunately, replacing the center frame does take some time and requires pretty much entire dis-assessembly.

One of the drawbacks I've noticed, is the cost of shipping. Raises the price, pretty quickly.
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Hiya... I have the same issue, it looks like its the servo that gone on mine, the landing gear can be moved up and down manually.
I've been looking for the center frames, but have noticed there is one for the version 1 & version 2 subtle difference in the aluminium arms v1 = curved v2 = straight.

My question to any that might be able to help - can I use the Inspire 1 version 2 center frame on the inspire 1 version 1?
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Hiya... I have the same issue, it looks like its the servo that gone on mine, the landing gear can be moved up and down manually.
I've been looking for the center frames, but have noticed there is one for the version 1 & version 2 subtle difference in the aluminium arms v1 = curved v2 = straight.

My question to any that might be able to help - can I use the Inspire 1 version 2 center frame on the inspire 1 version 1?

Wish I had a good answer. My bird has curved separated arms.
Be aware if you try to take on this repair that it is a major tear down!

Yes it is. And the screws holding on the servo to the frame are a bear to get loose. I heated mine up with a 250 Weller soldering iron for 15 minutes per screw to loosen up the loctite on the threads.

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