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ND100 inspire1 Neutral Density Filter & Zoom Lens-Night Vision Modifications By RageCams

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nice view of our old warehouse storage area! if you see anything you like we are having a sale as we have some old gear laying around going for cheap.!
Dennis I dont know you or your company, but you need to remember a few things here, Customers are mostly right.... in some cases not. 2nd if you want to keep your business you need to learn to talk to customers regardless of how mad they may be. 3rd you should have tested his camera, but that dont mean he wont blame you anyways. But I can say I would never do business with you or your company based off the tone of voice (typing) you have done on here
This thread is the exact reason I don't like ragecams

I just reported your post and the ones where Allen thought he would be cool and ost "personal" emails between the two. I don't know either one of these guys, but I know an ******* when I see one, and Allen portrays one well on this public forum.

Skylab, I reported your post for being an obvious troll.

Keep your personal BS to yourselves !!!!

Look at how many peeps have had bs experiences getting jacked over by DJI "customer service", but yet here you are, a part of their forum, What a hypocrite :rolleyes:
Please remove your troll post Outta Control.
I know you from other forums, and you are a nice guy. Now you look like a fool egging these two on. I'm embarrassed for you.

Guys - can we keep this thread civil please without firing shots at each other.
If not, I shall lock the thread and you can both continue via PM if you wish.
Clearly, there has been a disagreement between the two of you at some point and I am not about to say who I consider right or wrong but publically slanging each other off doesn't serve any useful purpose and is against our forum rules.
Please disist from further direct attacks on each other via this medium.

Thank You.
I like it... Thanks otta control. All any reader has to do is start from the beginning of this tread. I said I had an experience with RC... Thats all and DG went ballistic.

Sorry but I am not for either since I take real people at face value.

For someone who trying to patronizing me has no idea who I am. They should talk to people that have met me.
Right I have better things to do

Allen, if you had "better" things to do, you would not have started this crap!

I totally believe you that you had a bad experience.
It happens, no one is perfect, no one is infallible.
But for you to come on this guy's thread and crap all over him is not too cool.
I'm sure this guy has tons of very satisfied customers, and you posting that this guy is a liar and a cheat and that NONE should trust him is slanderous at best. I know this is only the internet, but you could be held accountable for trying to ruin this guy's business. "Slander" "deplumation of character" are some of the words used before the fine is paid by yourself.

By reading your rants, I'm sure you feel cheated, but that is not reason enough to behave this way. Surely you know better.
Well seems nobody can play nicely in the playground even asking politely so enough is enough.

Thread Locked.
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