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May 21, 2015
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What is the deal with this no fly zone crap?
I have been flying multi-rotors for years using DJI flight controllers and now I can't even fly at our rc flying field because of this HUGE no fly zone that DJI has put in place!
Will this affect my other birds as well?
I have a naza v1 and naza V2 in my other birds.
Overy the past 20 years our rc club has been invited to local airshows at the airports to put on a show and let the people see the latest innovations in the RC world. It's a great thing where we always get new members to our club and rc world.
Now with this NFZ in place I can't even spin up the motors on DJI'S supposedly latest greatest multi-rotor machine!! We also have indoor events that happen to be in a no fly zone so I guess that won't be happening either!
I must have $20,000-30,000 invested into multi rotor machines and accessories that have become virtually worthless because I made the mistake of using a DJI product now that they have decided they will control where I can fly!
If this NFZ isn't changed I want a full refund on my i1 and my 2 other naza controllers so I can use flight controllers from other companies that havn't appointed themselves as a world wide dictator!
DJI has over stepped it bounds and i would like to hear from a lawyer what our options are if we are not given full refunds.
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Reactions: lone droner dude
Well it looks as though I should recant on the statement about not being able to fly at our field. Turns out I can fly at our field! o_O
But the indoor events are a no go.
Why not just put in a 20 foot max altitude restriction while within this zone so we can at least fly indoors where im pretty sure no 747's will be flying! :p
To not be able to fly at totally legal indoor events is absurd!
To respond to the only coherent parts of your original post: when you're the market leader and therefore the most publicly visible (take a look at just about any story involving quads; 9/10 times they're DJI), you have to save the 'common folk' from themselves in order to try to slow the inevitable spiral of unneeded, overreaching legislation.

I'd go so far as to say that without NFZs, we'd be in an even worse position than we are now - up to and including a severe impact on DJI's ability to sell in the US. They're simply covering their own asses.

Building your own quad using a stock Naza or A2 shouldn't subject you to the NFZs, as long as you're not using the DJI apps (assuming that's possible - actually rather curious whether the Vision app works with custom-built quads using the Naza controller)
So can I take it from your response that the NFZ isn't going to have any affect on where you currently fly.
I don't know how my factually-fueled opinion gave you any insight into how the NFZ affects me... but since you asked, it already does - I'm close to my local airport, and at home, my Phantom 2 limited me to 180 ft via the gradual ceiling that DJI uses 2 - 5 miles away from Category A airports.

Do I wish I had a little more leniency? Sure. But being within that distance of an airport, if those restrictions prevent a lot of headache from traffic control, and keeps me out of accidental trouble, I genuinely don't have a problem with it.

On the other hand, I DO think the DC NFZ is absolutely ridiculous - everything just outside the 495 beltway is completely grounded. There are quite a lot of open, recreational areas included.

I noticed that Intelligent UAS' Inspire pilot day had moved to Virginia (which I'm not driving to), which I'm assuming was due (at least in part) to that. I feel for them. But again, that's less DJIs fault (what are they supposed to do?) and more our disconnected, power-hungry three-letter agencies trying to stick their hands up everyone's backside to turn them into puppets.
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I didn't have any insight into how the NFZ affected you that's why a asked you.
I only asked as it seems most of the people all for this NFZ have not been affected by it in anyway. Awfully easy to give up places to fly when you dont fly at any of them! :)
I understand what they are trying to do but to pit a blanket NFZ for everyone with no exceptions is ridiculous. Like I said before our club is invited to airshows right at the airports that has been cleared by every authority involved yet we can't fly because DJI thinks it knows best!
Something just wrong about a foreign country telling us where we can and can't fly even if all U.S. authorities have approved the flights within this country!!
What is the deal with this no fly zone crap?
I have been flying multi-rotors for years using DJI flight controllers and now I can't even fly at our rc flying field because of this HUGE no fly zone that DJI has put in place!
Will this affect my other birds as well?
I have a naza v1 and naza V2 in my other birds.
Overy the past 20 years our rc club has been invited to local airshows at the airports to put on a show and let the people see the latest innovations in the RC world. It's a great thing where we always get new members to our club and rc world.
Now with this NFZ in place I can't even spin up the motors on DJI'S supposedly latest greatest multi-rotor machine!! We also have indoor events that happen to be in a no fly zone so I guess that won't be happening either!
I must have $20,000-30,000 invested into multi rotor machines and accessories that have become virtually worthless because I made the mistake of using a DJI product now that they have decided they will control where I can fly!
If this NFZ isn't changed I want a full refund on my i1 and my 2 other naza controllers so I can use flight controllers from other companies that havn't appointed themselves as a world wide dictator!
DJI has over stepped it bounds and i would like to hear from a lawyer what our options are if we are not given full refunds.
What is the deal with this no fly zone crap?
I have been flying multi-rotors for years using DJI flight controllers and now I can't even fly at our rc flying field because of this HUGE no fly zone that DJI has put in place!
Will this affect my other birds as well?
I have a naza v1 and naza V2 in my other birds.
Overy the past 20 years our rc club has been invited to local airshows at the airports to put on a show and let the people see the latest innovations in the RC world. It's a great thing where we always get new members to our club and rc world.
Now with this NFZ in place I can't even spin up the motors on DJI'S supposedly latest greatest multi-rotor machine!! We also have indoor events that happen to be in a no fly zone so I guess that won't be happening either!
I must have $20,000-30,000 invested into multi rotor machines and accessories that have become virtually worthless because I made the mistake of using a DJI product now that they have decided they will control where I can fly!
If this NFZ isn't changed I want a full refund on my i1 and my 2 other naza controllers so I can use flight controllers from other companies that havn't appointed themselves as a world wide dictator!
DJI has over stepped it bounds and i would like to hear from a lawyer what our options are if we are not given full refunds.
Or maybe you should try this I bought one ,,,,,,NFZ mod for Phantom 4

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