Parks, kids and drones

Apples and oranges. When you go to a baseball game you understand and accept that baseballs will be flying through the air and if you're not paying attention you could get hit by one. You don't go to a park expecting that you may get hit by a drone. Baseball players don't need to know better. That's why they are there - to play baseball in an area designed specifically for that activity. Drone pilots DO need to know better. Understand how your drone works and your own limitations and skills and fly responsibly. Yes, accidents do happen, but pilots need to be smart enough to know how to practically eliminate all possibility of injury to others. Not even worth a discussion.
Reactions: Mixchief
Good perspective
So what about the full scale aircraft that crashes into a populated area and kills dozens of people who are on the ground. (something that has happened more than once) Those unfortunate people where not in a situation where they expected a plane or helicopter to come crashing down. If the pilots of those aircrafts were smart enough to know how to practically eliminate all possibility of injury to others they would not be flying over populated areas. Not even worth a discussion.
Reactions: andoh666

I have long said that the outdoors should be tightly regulated and licensed. Then we could maybe have some assurance that only properly qualified personnel are operating the outdoors.

Think of all the toddlers that wouldn’t be hit by things, causing all those dads to be forced to speak out for a tidy little payout to an affiliate looking for a good story.

Think of the children.