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Part 107 and Public Safety agenCies

When I started the Drone program here, Risk Management advised that in order for the insurance company to insure myself and the sUAS ($2 million), I had to be certified Part 107 and a minimum of 100 documented flight hours. Now, that is just what OUR requirements were.. I understand their thinking... Make sure the pilot has FAA training and a good understanding of the FAA Laws, as well as documented hours of experience. We were told in a meeting, that should another CSI want to be a sUAS Pilot, they had to obtain a Part 107 as well as have documentation of 100 flight hours. I explained that I could be present and have another CSI fly as long as I can take immediate control, but Risk Management said if an accident occurred, the non-Part 107 pilot nor the City would be insured for the accident. We explained the COA and how we can self-certify and self-train, but Risk Management wanted nothing to do with it. We are still seeking our COA, but are keeping my Part 107 active so the insurance company stays happy...

Each city will have it's own odd hurdles... Good luck to all!!!!
I feel your pain....After 32 years in LE I still maintain Shakespeare was right...(**** The Butcher in Henry VI)
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers".

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This is amazing ! I hit the submit button on a Blanket COA for G Airspace yesterday. Today at 3:00 pm when I went in for shift I had an email with the approved COA pdf document attached ! It took me one week to compile all the needed documents and fill out the online application in the CAPS system. Our effective date is 1/27/2018 ! So as of tomorrow we can go live. I still plan to get my part 107 as I have finished the remotepilot101.com course, just need to schedule the test. But the part107 with a COA is not needed. We may use remotepilot101.com to do the ground training for our pilots as you do get a certificate for completion. Now its time to start flying !
I wish that we were in a Class G Airspace!!! Our entire city is covered by the 5 NM radius of a Class D Airspace.. Making it difficult.. Still working on the COA, but am very happy to see that our Class D Airspace was just posted in the LAANC.. And the map and height restrictions is actually better than we were requesting!! Hope it goes LIVE soon!!
I'm a part 107 pilot and a retired law enforcement officer with an active security clearance. I''m considering offering my services (Inspire 2) to local law enforcement agencies on a contract basis (I already do non-UAS contract work for one larger local sheriff's office and a Federal agency) so they don't have to dedicate an officer to do UAS work. The part 107 vs COA is a bit confusing to me. Is the COA something that the agency gets or can a Part 107 pilot also get one to get access to the SGI through the SOSC? Anyone know an appropriate knowledge path for the above?
Much appreciated.

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