Have some one got a permission from ENAC for flying in Venice?
According ENAC, Venice is a Prohibited flying zone. There are also 2 airport zones overlaping there and also a CTR zone, so I'm getting confused how to apply? Because from what I read for applying to fly in the "speciffic category" over prohibited zone should be used ATM-03 Circular but for flying around airports should be used ATM-09A Circular. Do I have to send both applications or this whole stuff is included and explained in a single application?
Additionally flying in urban areas is covered by PDRA-S01 scenario (overflown area - Controlled ground area that might be located in a populated area) but this scenario doesn't mention the flying in Prohibited zone located in urban area, so do I still apply for authorization for the specific category with PDRA scenario or will have to make my own SORA? Can someone explain the procedure if he went trough it?
And finally there is big possibility to take off and land on a boat, but then the PDRA-S01 doesn't fit as it strictly says that the pilot should not be in a moving vehicle. Now what, what should I do to get all those permissions (flying in urban, prohibited zone from a boat)?
I have read hundreds of pages on EASA as well on ENAC sites and it's already a total mess in my head, so please excuse me if you find my questions too lame
would love to hear some advices. Thanks!
According ENAC, Venice is a Prohibited flying zone. There are also 2 airport zones overlaping there and also a CTR zone, so I'm getting confused how to apply? Because from what I read for applying to fly in the "speciffic category" over prohibited zone should be used ATM-03 Circular but for flying around airports should be used ATM-09A Circular. Do I have to send both applications or this whole stuff is included and explained in a single application?
Additionally flying in urban areas is covered by PDRA-S01 scenario (overflown area - Controlled ground area that might be located in a populated area) but this scenario doesn't mention the flying in Prohibited zone located in urban area, so do I still apply for authorization for the specific category with PDRA scenario or will have to make my own SORA? Can someone explain the procedure if he went trough it?
And finally there is big possibility to take off and land on a boat, but then the PDRA-S01 doesn't fit as it strictly says that the pilot should not be in a moving vehicle. Now what, what should I do to get all those permissions (flying in urban, prohibited zone from a boat)?
I have read hundreds of pages on EASA as well on ENAC sites and it's already a total mess in my head, so please excuse me if you find my questions too lame