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Pix4d versus agisoft

Jul 2, 2016
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Hi guys been searching the Internet for hours and can't find much info on it, but I'm trying to understand why pix4d is twice the price of agisoft. Seems most people rate agisoft better, any feedback or experience would be much appreciated. I fly an inspire 1 pro and would be looking at mainly photogrammetry point cloud 3D modeling of houses ect
I have a license of Pix4D. If someone has a license of Agisoft Photoscan, we could run a comparison of the same dataset for the two.
As a Pix4D Mapper Pro user and having tried Photoscan, I can tell you that Pix4D is much eaeier to use and the support is fantastic, based in Switzerland. Also, Pix4D compensates for rolling shutter effect which is common on non full frame cameras - meaning you get a more accurate result. Also - Pix4D utilises CUDA which allocates processing resources to your NVidia card GPU - so its more efiicent in terms of computer resource usage.

If you are looking to produce 3D models of structures, the workflow would be:

1. Download Pix4D Capture app from App Store
2. Plan and execute yoru flight using the app first using a grid over the structure and then using the free flight mode with autophoto/auto trigger, capture the oblique images (building fascades).
3. The capture app will automaticall process in the cloud but I would recommend taking your geotagged images and processing in Pix4D Mapper Pro to get a more polished result.

If you are looking for mapping products or agriculture outputs from a multispectral camera, then Mapper Pro will not disappoint.

I found Photoscan to be too cumbersome and clunky.

You can also find sample datasets on the Sensefly website here. This will give you geotagged images for comparison from different environments. I recommend downloading the RGB geotagged images from the gravel quarry, clisk on the image and you will find the image dataset for downloading.: https://www.sensefly.com/drones/example-datasets.html
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The pix4d app is all but useless at the current time. I suggest using an app like Maps Made Easy (Map Pilot), or DroneDeploy.
Just to throw this out there:
Agisoft photoscan is available on torrent if you keep your eyes open, and Pix4d allow a 14 day fully functional trial.
There is no reason why you cannot try the two side by side and make your assesment.

I will say that Pix is faster and easier to use from my experience. But Agisoft seemed, on several occasions to give a more accurate model, especially on the Z axis. I should have gone and check with some control points but I didnt. So its just an opinion based on what I saw on the screen.
They seem to have both a PIX4D Discovery and a PIX4D Pro. The Discovery seems to be unlimited but missing items I do not really understand. Can someone shed some light on this?
Free Pix4D Discovery allows to process any data set, creating a point cloud but not an ortho mosaic nor a DEM. Like that, you are able to verify your data and you can create cool virtual views and even virtual flights through your point cloud. But as soon as you want to create an orthophoto or an elevantion model you need the paid version (or the 2 weeks trial license). Instead of a one time fee you can also rent Pix4D Pro per month. If you are happy, you can buy a license within 12 months, discounting all the rental fees paid (within these 12 months).

I can confirm that Pix4Dmapper works really well, very accurate providing excellent point cloud and ortho mosaic editors. And, even more important for such a complex task as photogrammetry, Pix4D provide excellent support. I'm using Pix4Dmapper for almost 3 years now and I'm really happy with it.

PS: Pix4D Capture is a different story - I can't say too much about this tool.
Hi guys been searching the Internet for hours and can't find much info on it, but I'm trying to understand why pix4d is twice the price of agisoft. Seems most people rate agisoft better, any feedback or experience would be much appreciated. I fly an inspire 1 pro and would be looking at mainly photogrammetry point cloud 3D modeling of houses ect

Hi Dan,

I was just wonderi g if you had managed to find your answer since your last post, plus your possible experience in using either Pix4D and Agisoft?

I'm working in the field of forensic investigation for road traffic accidents and we are looking at changing the way we scan the accident scenes, ie. Using drone instead of LiDAR on a stand. Being a noob, I have been trying to find out about the difference between Pix4D and AgiSoft until I chanced upon your inquiry. Could you please to tell me about your review of either software? Any advice for me? By the way, cloub-based processing is out of our consideration.

Thanks in advance.


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