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Jan 13, 2015
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Hello, I have been flying my Inspire 1 now once a day for a week after upgrading to v.16 and IOS app 0.9.2 and did the IMU several times at each flight and calibrate the compass as well.

Fly's OK, bit i am not 100% confident that Inspire is ready compared to the Phantom 2 products i have and been flying for almost two years.

As of yesterday i noticed a new problem, the Yellow warning on the Inspire LED comes on once or twice in flight and i am in a wide open field and nothing to impact the compass as all. This is a same field i fly my Phantoms and it's the test ground i use.

Also, with that i notice the toilet bowl effect comes and go's and again, i know this effect from earlier Phantom 2 firmware fix's DJI did back in 2013 and 2014. So it's could be in the Inspire code that needs more tweaks.

So with that, given that the new .16 and 0.9.2 app seems to work, i am hesitating to use the Inspire 1 for any big flying tasks for now and will give DJI to get the kinks out of this baby and go back flying my Phantom Vision 2 + for a couple of months. It's two costly to replace the Inspire if the current Firmware is suspect still.

Wish you all LUCK for now and keep reporting, i will too!
Best regards,
" i am hesitating to use the Inspire 1 " I have a paid project for evry single weekend now ... and i am using my Phantoms .... My inspire 1 is collecting
dust in my sitting room cause : 1. ios app not sure if its safe to fly with. 2. Dont have prob locks 3. scared for an imu issue .... Its all around the same feeling .... and most of us who were so pationable and positive about the Inspire are now somohow either disapointed or flying low and concervative. We purchased a Ferrari which needs to stay in the garage because the tire bolds might come off at 300klm/hour ..... i tryed to explain this to the Inspire support but didnt understand :(
Ya we are all in the same boat. I fly but not how I would if I were confident with the props. Everything else, so far, has worked pretty well for me. I see the toilet bowl effect a lot but besides that I have no issues.
Hello to you Both, keep logging in issues and I am sure DJI will get this all fixed in a couple of months. I too disappointed in DJI, first the IMU issues, then the IOS application removed and still some other issues seen by all us users. I thought this was a professional product and not a general consumer product like the Phantom 2 product. And yes, i have 4 Phantom 2 products that i fly since 2013 and these did have their share of issues too but quickly got resolved as a consumer product. I have mixed emotions about DJI's Inspire 1 product now and maybe I should have waited 6 months before purchasing and let others feel the pain, but I thought I would jump in and if we had issues, will by all of us reporting issues directly to DJI, they would make this product a better one for us all. So i am going to continue to document my Inspire 1 flight observations and experience here on this posting site and send a copy to DJI directly every time I experience or observe something i don't like on the Inspire 1 from this point forward. I give DJI 2 months to get the bugs out, if not, i scrap the Inspire 1.

So my message to all: Keep documenting and your thoughts and experience and document everything here as well as pass it on directly to DJI as well and I'm sure we will ALL help DJI in making a better Inspire 1 product!

Let's keep up the communications...

Best regards,
Tighten your Props, check your IMU before each flight (not that hard of a thing to do..) and all the apps are safe to fly with, as the Inspire isnt controlled by the apps. You can fly without a mobile device perfectly, only you cant adjust settings, video feed, aim camera and such. The controller has the final decision on everything, The App is just the basic settings 'display'... as in you can just access more controller functions through a touch screen, and the controller is the main 'Controller'... As long as the controller firmware is good, i wouldn't worry about the App as much as Inspire on-board Firmware.

Other than that.. I'm not worried by anything... Yet
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Happy to report no real issues on my end flying my bird in 30-35˚F *knocks on wood*. HOWEVER, I've had a strange issue (posted in another thread) using an iPad Mini 2 (approved for use by DJI prior to Applegate) - none of the monitor feeds work on Apple devices for me (using 0.9.2). There is up to 10 second delay and the image is scrambled. I have now tried the Galaxy Tab S and it works perfectly. I'm confused because others are reporting no problem with the iPad Mini 2. I'm an Apple fan, so this causes butt hurt :(

**UPDATE** As it turns out, I was accidentally sold a regular iPad Mini (easy to mistake, the box is nearly identical!). I am happy to report that I have exchanged for the Mini 2 and all is working perfectly. Now we just need an official iOS app...
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I took my V+ and Inspire1 out this weekend when I went skiing outside of Beijing, the phantom performed impeccably as usual and I pleased to report to Inspire did as well. I pushed her hard on acceleration and tight turns to test boundaries as its a new device for me. I do not have the prop nuts on as I was told by a distributor in China they where not needed.
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Ios app crashes generally once a flight(but it is a hack)

The speed of the i1. Need to make sure i slow down when recording .
I've had problems putting it back into travel mode. Anyone else?

I have to turn the battery off and then the controller. Turn them back on and hold the inspire a little bit off the ground to successfully get it into travel mode.

Is there something I'm missing?
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Received mine on 1/15, performed upgrades and have flown 22 missions with no problems from 3 feet to 1256 feet altitude. Auto take off and landing work beautifully. Camera much improved over phantom 2 vision+. Higher ISO's and EV control most helpful. Very smooth and stable flight. Sets up and acquires sattlelites much quicker than vision 2+. Have not received propeller clips. Props remain tight after all flights. So far so good! I have not taken the phantom 2 vision+ out of the case since receiving the inspire 1.

...you might want to take a look at laws in regards to flight height. I'm unsure on the USA side...but in Canada we're regulated to go no higher than 400' for safety's sake. 1256' is up where a plane/helicopter may be..
We definitely don't need any more bad publicity because of near misses with manned aircraft!
I've had problems putting it back into travel mode. Anyone else?

I have to turn the battery off and then the controller. Turn them back on and hold the inspire a little bit off the ground to successfully get it into travel mode.

Is there something I'm missing?

I had the same problem converting into storage mode. I realized the i1 needs to be on a hard surface to reflect the signal from the vision positioning system. (No carpet or rugs). Hope this helps!
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Ya we are all in the same boat. I fly but not how I would if I were confident with the props. Everything else, so far, has worked pretty well for me. I see the toilet bowl effect a lot but besides that I have no issues.

What is the "toilet bowl effect"? I don't want to guess at that...
The toilet bowl effect, for me, looks like it is getting flushed. It seems to get a GPS reading but doesn't hold solid. It seems to fly tiny concentric circles around the GPS point like it is looking for it.
I had the same problem converting into storage mode. I realized the i1 needs to be on a hard surface to reflect the signal from the vision positioning system. (No carpet or rugs). Hope this helps!
I'll try it man. I've done a couple different surfaces though. Carpet, rugs, solid smooth concrete, parking lot concrete, cardboard box, and rocks.
I just talked to DJI on the phone and they said "it's really touchy and a hard reflective surface like kitchen tiles, really help."

I would think cardboard wouldn't have any problems though, putting it in travel mode.
What is the "toilet bowl effect"? I don't want to guess at that...

When flying and in a hovering position, hold there and watch to see if the Inspire 1 starts making circles and these circles will get lager and larger each revolution that the Inspire makes.

This is the Toilet bowl effect.

Is there a way of getting the Inspire One in and out of travel mode with the app?

Btw - travel mode works fine on my low pile carpet.
One thing I found odd - fly the Inspire One in the simulator for a bit, then go into the camera and the app reports that "the aircraft is behind you be careful when flying". Only way I could fix this was to restart the app. - Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I though that pretty odd.
So here in Boston, weather has been a challenge and it's limited my ability to fly but yesterday i went out and it was 12 deg F, here and light wind. Inspire did fly ok but still a bit of a drift. I had to recalibrate the IMU first before taking off. > The IOS 9.2 app informed me to do this and forced me to do so and it locked out the motors until completed. So once i did the IMU cal and then I recalibrate the compass, then i took off.

Flew for 13 Min and the wind started up at 7 mph and the Inspire was leaning to one side.. That's OK. But i still feel that the GPS lock is NOT as good as the Phantom 2. I feel DJI still need to make more improvements on Inspire and make it more stable. Maybe there are different runs of Inspires off the production line that need a bit more tweaking then others. But i can tell you that My Inspire 1 is very loose in flight and i don't want to take it to the limits like i have dome on the other Phantoms.

Also, i called UAS1, the folks i purchased my Inspire 1 from here in the USA, i purchased the dual controller version and the second controller just arrived. Well it all works just fine... i tested it out... But the part the pisses me off is this second controller is very expense and did not even come with a harness like the main did with the Inspire 1 and it's fancy travel case. So be wear, no charger or cable, no harness, just the IPAD mount and controller and that's it!

So i called UAS1 and filed a complaint and i asked the question, why wouldn't DJI include this harness and charger with the dual controller package? They told me that this will be submitted to DJI. So just FYI for those purchasing dual controllers or purchasing a second controller at a later date. For $650.00 you would think all accessories would be included for that price. I missing something here?

More to come, I will continue to post my finding in the best intrust to help my follow Inspire 1 users.

Fly safe!
So here in Boston, weather has been a challenge and it's limited my ability to fly but yesterday i went out and it was 12 deg F, here and light wind. Inspire did fly ok but still a bit of a drift..

If you are having a drift issue have you tried calibrating the remote? I read in one of the stickies that this is recommended to fix a drift or yaw issue in flight.
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