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Question in regards to controllers...

Oh, one last thing, turns out that "A" and "B" controllers are passive in regards to dealing with heat. "C" controllers have built-in fans to cool the chipsets.

I wonder if that affects things positively or negatively for long-term use???
Interesting turn of events. Of our 5 controllers, I don't know if any are "C." I'm away from my Inspires right now, so I'll have to check later. I wish I had more information, but you're blazing new trails. Welcome aboard. You're cracking eggs and making omelets.

Ok, just spoke to a couple of people that have multiple Inspire 1 setups, and it would seem that some later manufactured "C" controllers cannot be rolled back to pre-1.7.x series firmwares.

One of the guys has sets of "C" and "B" controllers and he ran some tests and out of 3 "C" controllers he had one that would not downgrade to 1.6.0 or below. It gave the same set of symptoms I have had. The other two downgraded just fine.

In discussing with the the video-breakup issues, they both stated that they have been quite disappointed with the Inspire 1s since the newer firmwares because of video issues. They both are going to be rolling back as soon as I get them a "fixed" firmware with the modifications I previously mentioned.

One of them already knows that dual "C" controllers have issues as master/slave, but he couldn't confirm off hand which combo of controller revisions he found worked "best" for his needs.

He did state that he ordered his setup as dual controllers and they shipped two different revisions to him (C and B) as part of his setup.
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Ok, just spoke to a couple of people that have multiple Inspire 1 setups, and it would seem that some later manufactured "C" controllers cannot be rolled back to pre-1.7.x series firmwares.

One of the guys has sets of "C" and "B" controllers and he ran some tests and out of 3 "C" controllers he had one that would not downgrade to 1.6.0 or below. It gave the same set of symptoms I have had. The other two downgraded just fine.

In discussing with the the video-breakup issues, they both stated that they have been quite disappointed with the Inspire 1s since the newer firmwares because of video issues. They both are going to be rolling back as soon as I get them a "fixed" firmware with the modifications I previously mentioned.

One of them already knows that dual "C" controllers have issues as master/slave, but he couldn't confirm off hand which combo of controller revisions he found worked "best" for his needs.

He did state that he ordered his setup as dual controllers and they shipped two different revisions to him (C and B) as part of his setup.
Excellent job parsing this out. 4+ years of flying and hacking Inspire 1's, and this is all new news to me.

I just checked my controller and mine is the "B." Dollars to doughnuts, my business partner's 4 controllers are also "B." I'll check today, as I'm supposed to stop by the office later.

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Oh, one last thing, turns out that "A" and "B" controllers are passive in regards to dealing with heat. "C" controllers have built-in fans to cool the chipsets.

I wonder if that affects things positively or negatively for long-term use???

I took apart one of my "A" controllers to see what's inside. This one looks like it had been dropped before and had a funky RTH button so I wasn't worried about screwing it up. Anyway, I found that there is a fan on the main board.

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Interesting. I have never heard the fan running on mine.

I do have a "B" controller... I wonder if they made those passive, or if the have a fan as well?

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