RED Giant Cinematic color correction and grading

Nov 6, 2014
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Hi guys! Just bought the red giant soft and here is the results. I shouldve film it in log and prob would have a beter results. But ready to take innotations and comments. If any question let me know. If you like it click like thank you all! Great informative forum and community!
Interesting and pretty nice overall. What was the original frame rate and was it changed in post?

Nice, I have to ask, did you try DaVinci Resolve 12 first? I do all of my color grading in DaVinci Resolve 12. It is without a doubt the best color grading software out there and the best part is its free. I roundtrip my footage through DaVinCi Resolve then do final edits in VideoStudio X8.

Also in Resolve, if you do film in log, it has a built in LUT that does most of the work for you.