Is it possible to make a sensors tab a "layer option" (NEXT FW) as it is VERY IMPORTANT for preflight and flight awareness.. I understand Push, Pull, give and take, but I'm thinking its time for a customized options layout as our choice... Since the Phantom introduction, we all have seen or heard of flyaways and strange behavior resulting in incidents, crash or total loss. It all begins in preflight prior and sometimes during flight, so why not make it available (before and during) while in flight. We may fly through interference or magnetic fields and not even be aware of the disruption. I'm thinking this would indeed help understand your/our surroundings allot better and help educate newbies in the long run also.. "Obviously the Compass is CRITICAL"!! Just my .02[emoji6]
Yeh?, No? Voice your opinion, Be heard[emoji6]
Yeh?, No? Voice your opinion, Be heard[emoji6]
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