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Should I buy Inspire 1 V2

Aug 16, 2017
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I had my mind set on a new Inspire 2 and adding a thermal camera down the road. Then, I see over on the inspire 2 forum there is no XT thermal camera or confirmed plans from DJI to even add it ever which is a deal killer for me.

Now I'm back to ground zero as I was planning to order the Inspire 2 today. So, moving forward I'm now looking at a brand new Inspire 1 V2 since it will accept the XT thermal camera or maybe buying a Phantom 4/ 4 advanced and having it converted to thermal camera system using a FLIR Vue or new Flir Boson setup. That said I like the idea of the XT thermal camera and Go app vs a dual monitor and external 5.4g transmitter setup. If the Phantom 4 would run thermal (Vue/boson) through the Go app and light-bridge it would be a done deal ,but that's a no go from what I've been told.

I guess my issue now is I read all the improvements (dual battery, more stable, more range/flight time, etc) on the V2 and now feel like I'm going backwards in technology in by getting the Inspire 1 V2. I guess my questions are below if anyone can give real user feedback on the Inspire 1 V2 model.

Real "average" flight time X3 camera with TB48 battery?

Real "average" expected controller range ( my Mavic list 4 miles in my rural area its really around 2-2.5 miles)

Are the common battery issues listed on the Inspire 1 V2 deal killer or over exaggerated and can be avoided with proper battery care and checks?

Oher things I should consider?

I have been reading old post, but there isn't near the amount of good data out there on the Inspire 1 V2 say vs the cheaper phantom or mavic drones. Plus its seems to vary a lot user to user. Thanks for any user feedback!
Average flight time with an X3 should be 15-17 minutes depending on your comfort level, battery age, and how low you will let the battery discharge.

Controller range varies significantly with your operating area and level of interference and landscape diversities.

Some of us have had no issues with Inspire 1 batteries, the more recent FW updates seem to have resolved voltage drop off issues.

The I1 is a workhorse that does some things the I2 does not, at a very good price. We often take I1's in on trade for I2's and never have had issues finding new homes for them.

Another option is the Matrice 200 series which can use the X4S, X5S, XT and Z30 cameras. We have lots of choices these days. Let us know if we can help with your decision.
I had my mind set on a new Inspire 2 and adding a thermal camera down the road. Then, I see over on the inspire 2 forum there is no XT thermal camera or confirmed plans from DJI to even add it ever which is a deal killer for me.

Now I'm back to ground zero as I was planning to order the Inspire 2 today. So, moving forward I'm now looking at a brand new Inspire 1 V2 since it will accept the XT thermal camera or maybe buying a Phantom 4/ 4 advanced and having it converted to thermal camera system using a FLIR Vue or new Flir Boson setup. That said I like the idea of the XT thermal camera and Go app vs a dual monitor and external 5.4g transmitter setup. If the Phantom 4 would run thermal (Vue/boson) through the Go app and light-bridge it would be a done deal ,but that's a no go from what I've been told.

I guess my issue now is I read all the improvements (dual battery, more stable, more range/flight time, etc) on the V2 and now feel like I'm going backwards in technology in by getting the Inspire 1 V2. I guess my questions are below if anyone can give real user feedback on the Inspire 1 V2 model.

Real "average" flight time X3 camera with TB48 battery?

Real "average" expected controller range ( my Mavic list 4 miles in my rural area its really around 2-2.5 miles)

Are the common battery issues listed on the Inspire 1 V2 deal killer or over exaggerated and can be avoided with proper battery care and checks?

Oher things I should consider?

I have been reading old post, but there isn't near the amount of good data out there on the Inspire 1 V2 say vs the cheaper phantom or mavic drones. Plus its seems to vary a lot user to user. Thanks for any user feedback!
I have the Inspire 1 from the beginning and only updated firmware and App twice.That's it.And from the beginning I had never any problem,only a replaced gimble cable once .Never had a batteryproblem.So all I can say it's a very good tool.If you have the change yo buy one for a good price,buy it.
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I have the Inspire 1 from the beginning and only updated firmware and App twice.That's it.And from the beginning I had never any problem,only a replaced gimble cable once .Never had a batteryproblem.So all I can say it's a very good tool.If you have the change yo buy one for a good price,buy it.
Same here, I'm on and it's staying that way. Pretty solid now and finally freed of constant updates with yet different bugs. I wouldn't recommend to fly it as far as you can without keeping VLOS.
This is a big bird. If you let it drop on someones head at 2 km away, without even being able to yell at the person(s) to watch out for it, you're actually liable for a manslaughter charge.

This is not a Mavic. I think we have to make that clear to all the Mavic pilots making the jump to Inspire1.
Thanks for all the feedback, I have found two thermal solutions for the I2 now and also a good way to go on the I1 V2. Will make a decision next week and order.

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