I had my mind set on a new Inspire 2 and adding a thermal camera down the road. Then, I see over on the inspire 2 forum there is no XT thermal camera or confirmed plans from DJI to even add it ever which is a deal killer for me.
Now I'm back to ground zero as I was planning to order the Inspire 2 today. So, moving forward I'm now looking at a brand new Inspire 1 V2 since it will accept the XT thermal camera or maybe buying a Phantom 4/ 4 advanced and having it converted to thermal camera system using a FLIR Vue or new Flir Boson setup. That said I like the idea of the XT thermal camera and Go app vs a dual monitor and external 5.4g transmitter setup. If the Phantom 4 would run thermal (Vue/boson) through the Go app and light-bridge it would be a done deal ,but that's a no go from what I've been told.
I guess my issue now is I read all the improvements (dual battery, more stable, more range/flight time, etc) on the V2 and now feel like I'm going backwards in technology in by getting the Inspire 1 V2. I guess my questions are below if anyone can give real user feedback on the Inspire 1 V2 model.
Real "average" flight time X3 camera with TB48 battery?
Real "average" expected controller range ( my Mavic list 4 miles in my rural area its really around 2-2.5 miles)
Are the common battery issues listed on the Inspire 1 V2 deal killer or over exaggerated and can be avoided with proper battery care and checks?
Oher things I should consider?
I have been reading old post, but there isn't near the amount of good data out there on the Inspire 1 V2 say vs the cheaper phantom or mavic drones. Plus its seems to vary a lot user to user. Thanks for any user feedback!
Now I'm back to ground zero as I was planning to order the Inspire 2 today. So, moving forward I'm now looking at a brand new Inspire 1 V2 since it will accept the XT thermal camera or maybe buying a Phantom 4/ 4 advanced and having it converted to thermal camera system using a FLIR Vue or new Flir Boson setup. That said I like the idea of the XT thermal camera and Go app vs a dual monitor and external 5.4g transmitter setup. If the Phantom 4 would run thermal (Vue/boson) through the Go app and light-bridge it would be a done deal ,but that's a no go from what I've been told.
I guess my issue now is I read all the improvements (dual battery, more stable, more range/flight time, etc) on the V2 and now feel like I'm going backwards in technology in by getting the Inspire 1 V2. I guess my questions are below if anyone can give real user feedback on the Inspire 1 V2 model.
Real "average" flight time X3 camera with TB48 battery?
Real "average" expected controller range ( my Mavic list 4 miles in my rural area its really around 2-2.5 miles)
Are the common battery issues listed on the Inspire 1 V2 deal killer or over exaggerated and can be avoided with proper battery care and checks?
Oher things I should consider?
I have been reading old post, but there isn't near the amount of good data out there on the Inspire 1 V2 say vs the cheaper phantom or mavic drones. Plus its seems to vary a lot user to user. Thanks for any user feedback!