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Use IPad as second controller

Aug 9, 2014
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I received my two remote setup today but did not get a chance to get the second controller setup before I finally got outside to take a test flight. During this flight I noticed that I could control the camera completely from my IPad with my finger. I saw a few videos saying this was only possible with a second controller but whether or not it has been mentioned it is possible. It makes it so that the pilot could just use the HDMI output to fly with and the camera person can use the USB output to control the camera. This just involves some more trust and experience between the two people due to the controls the IPad holder has in their hands.

To control the camera you just hold your finger down on the picture for a second and then the camera will follow your finger when you move it. Actually very cool.
Really good to know! Just curious, with the second controller connected to the camera, how do the controls work? Does this use the right and left thumbsticks?
IM regretting buying the two controler version as its not really needed
Yup, DJI is even posting a 'partner' video on their website essentially indicating the second controller is not necessary if you hand over the iPad to another person for gimbal control. Seems to me the touch screen is actually a more intuitive user interface when it comes to controlling the camera gimbal. Can't wait to give it a shot.

However, is there any risk of someone accidentally pushing a button on the ipad that would cause the bird to fall from the sky? I wouldn't want my son to look at something thinking 'hey, what's that button' and then everything goes to hell.

If no, this is truly a replacement for the second controller at a much cheaper price.
I have used both a two controller system and a single operator system where I control everything. I will interject some real world experiences. Yes you can control the gimbal via the App and that can be a separate operator. The App is not a second Tx. The fineness of the control is not comparable. You cannot compare unless you have both. I do and I would not ever compare a single operator system to a dual system even if the camera op was using the device to control the camera. Just my opinion.
Always good to have multiple opinions. It also stinks to disagree with YOU in particular, Ed, since I have a lot of respect for you and you obviously have a lot of experience.
That being said, I have used both as well and I enjoy the feel of having the controller to move the camera but when I used the iPad while someone else flew the quad I also felt very comfortable. To save several hundreds on a control and a second iPad I think this is an extremely good replacement option.
Again, just another mans opinion.

Also might be worth adding that I am not much of a photographer as much as I am an RC enthusiast. Been building and controlling quads, plains, copters, as well as trucks and boats for over a decade. Not claiming to be better at anything. Actually trying to say that I suck at photography. So take that into account with my opinion.
I have no doubt the second remote offers much more precise control over the camera and is a God send for professional users. For some reason, my wife has simply no interest in holding a remote. However, an iPad with a simple point and scroll user interface might actually get her engaged in the creative process which I see as a benefit, and can potentially lead to the purchase of a second controller. Hope this remains as a permanent feature for the Inspire.
so here is a question about solo piloting. is there any way possible to have the inspire 1 "follow me" or run a waypoint flight while I still have control of the camera? or the other way around where I can have the camera lock on to the controller like in the follow me mode but still be able to fly it around freely or set it on a waypoint?
Yes, from functions some are available through the DJI app and others through 3rd-party ones.
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so here is a question about solo piloting. is there any way possible to have the inspire 1 "follow me" or run a waypoint flight while I still have control of the camera? or the other way around where I can have the camera lock on to the controller like in the follow me mode but still be able to fly it around freely or set it on a waypoint?
Not sure about having the camera lock on to the controller whiel you fly around freely but you can definitly control the camera freely while in follow me or waypoint mode - just set the camera mode to 'Free'
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