I received my two remote setup today but did not get a chance to get the second controller setup before I finally got outside to take a test flight. During this flight I noticed that I could control the camera completely from my IPad with my finger. I saw a few videos saying this was only possible with a second controller but whether or not it has been mentioned it is possible. It makes it so that the pilot could just use the HDMI output to fly with and the camera person can use the USB output to control the camera. This just involves some more trust and experience between the two people due to the controls the IPad holder has in their hands.
To control the camera you just hold your finger down on the picture for a second and then the camera will follow your finger when you move it. Actually very cool.
To control the camera you just hold your finger down on the picture for a second and then the camera will follow your finger when you move it. Actually very cool.