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X3 ND filter

Apr 18, 2015
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Are there quality neutral density filters that will work on the X3 camera? It is, of course, limited to f 2.8, so the filter needs to be about 5-6 stops to shoot near 1/60 on a bright day. This seems to be asking a lot from a filter.

Are there quality neutral density filters that will work on the X3 camera? It is, of course, limited to f 2.8, so the filter needs to be about 5-6 stops to shoot near 1/60 on a bright day. This seems to be asking a lot from a filter.

There are many threads already on the ND offerings for the X3 which is a mature product now.
Please use the search function and it will bring up numerous threads regarding products available from different manufacturers.
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There are many threads already on the ND offerings for the X3 which is a mature product now.
Please use the search function and it will bring up numerous threads regarding products available from different manufacturers.
Yes, I did a search before I posted. I got a couple names like Polar Pro and SRP, did a little more research here and elsewhere, but didn't really come up with any consensus re the really strong (5-6 stop) nd filters. Some of the info was a year or so old so I also wondered if there is anything new. Maybe video shooters are just going to a lens that can be stopped down like the Phantom models have or the X5. It solves some issues. 6 stop filters are likely to leave some distortion/ coloration I would think.
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Thanks Steve,
I wound up ordering a Polar Pro kit. Time will tell!

Thanks again,

For the price I think the kit is a great value. I think they add a slight green hue overall, but is easily fixable in post if you need to at all.

For me it's more important that I don't get jello effect. :D
Are there quality neutral density filters that will work on the X3 camera? It is, of course, limited to f 2.8, so the filter needs to be about 5-6 stops to shoot near 1/60 on a bright day. This seems to be asking a lot from a filter.


Polar Pro. I think they have a kit that includes 3 lenses: 3, 4 and 5 stops. I picked up a Polar Pro 6-stop "just in case," and actually use it for television shoots all the time. If the clouds come out, I throw on the 5-stop. You would be surprised how much X3 footage has made its way into television series. We keep the X5 with us in case we need the dynamic range, but because of light weight (215g vs 500+g) and long fly times, we've been using the X3 with nary a complaint from the DP (though the editor/colorist may not like the h.264, but they get what they pay for - HA!). I wouldn't use the X3 or X5 for feature film, but for television series and/or T.V. commercials, it's a great little camera. Assuming you're shooting 24FPS, on a bright, sunny day, the 6-stop will allow to shoot 1/50 with zero blow out.

Here's a screen shot of a recent shoot using the 6-stop Polar Pro (ND-64). Shot using D-Log, 24FPS, DCI. All other settings flattened.

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