X5 footage in pop video with Canon 1DC

Nice work Andrew and nice gig. Where you a two man set up for this with a cam op or solo?
Reactions: andrew259
Nice work Andrew and nice gig. Where you a two man set up for this with a cam op or solo?

Def two man for areas like this... Quite often I'm doing it solo but only with clear skies and no danger around.
Really great work Andrew, certainly does blend in very well. Always interesting to see how the X5 mixes in with other cameras. I had to mix the X5 with an ALEXA on a shoot yesterday, . They seemed very happy with the footage (and I was too) but Ill wait to see the edit to make final judgement. It did make me wish I had the letter r on the end of X5 though.

Thanks AP.
Well I guess it's all about where it's going to be seen... I very much doubt there will be many of us ending up with footage on an IMAX screen where the real frailties of our image quality might be highlighted.. (Although i did spend a day once with Sean Penn getting some footage for The Gunman albeit with a GoPro!!)

I do think the X5 is well capable now of producing some stunning footage that is workable for 95% of all clients.

After all most of us (not all) are happy enough to listen to all our music at MP3 quality these days... And my kids watch most of their "TV" on heavily compressed YouTube...

I will be interested to see results of the X5R - but having seen the x5 perform so well on this gig I won't be upgrading any time soon.....
Reactions: apsussex

Would have to agree the x5 is perfectly workable for most clients. It has actually surprised quite a few with what its capable of and being on a quad too.
Reactions: andrew259
Hi Andrew,

I really like your aerial shots in the video (of course the compele video also!) With my X5 I am unshure about the FW to install/upgrade. After all discussion going on about video quality of the X5 may I ask you which FW you are using at the moment? I use a older version and want to upgrade.
Also it would be nice to know in which setting(none etc.) you are filming?

Thank you very much, Bernhard
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