Do you have any experience with HOYA 52mm ND filters on X5S camera on 15mm and 45mm lens? Will not it be too heavy?
I thinking about buy HOYA 52mm and buy step up rings for 46mm and 37mm..
For now I have deafult 15mm lens and 45mm olympus. For this, I think it will be good Polar pro filters (46mm) when is need step up 37-46 ring for 45mm lens .. BUT, in future I want to buy some wide lens, for example Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm/4.0-5.6 when is needed filter 52mm. Of course polarpro dont have these size of ND filters...
Maybe third variaton.. - buy polapro for 15mm and 45mm lens and in future for 52mm buy only HOYA?
I bit scare of the hoya if will not too heavy for x5s
Thank you
Do you have any experience with HOYA 52mm ND filters on X5S camera on 15mm and 45mm lens? Will not it be too heavy?
I thinking about buy HOYA 52mm and buy step up rings for 46mm and 37mm..
For now I have deafult 15mm lens and 45mm olympus. For this, I think it will be good Polar pro filters (46mm) when is need step up 37-46 ring for 45mm lens .. BUT, in future I want to buy some wide lens, for example Olympus M.Zuiko 9-18mm/4.0-5.6 when is needed filter 52mm. Of course polarpro dont have these size of ND filters...
Maybe third variaton.. - buy polapro for 15mm and 45mm lens and in future for 52mm buy only HOYA?
I bit scare of the hoya if will not too heavy for x5s
Thank you