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zenmuse x5

  1. S

    Wanting to purchase a 45mm Lens; seeing on DJI.com - (photo only)

    I operate a UAV service company in Vancouver BC and we utilize the DJI Inspire 1 and Inspire 1 Pros commercially. We are looking at acquiring a 45mm lens for our X5 for inspection purposes but have only recently noticed on the DJI supported lenses page that it says (photography only) next to the...
  2. A

    Upgrading to X5 from Inspire V1

    I've seen some posts about upgrading to the X5 with mixed results but they're all quite old. I'm wondering what people's experience or recommendations are for upgrading from and Inspire V1 to the X5. I'm not the most familiar with the forums so forgive me if this is a lame question. I undertand...
  3. RuneWold

    Olympus 12 mm got a "spot" when filming against the sun/light

    Hi I noticed this on a shoot before but then I did not use the material where the spot was and I assumed it might be dust or something. But during a flight a few days ago I saw the spot again. Im using a X5 with this lens. I have never after 17 years of photographing and film making ever...
  4. Rocco Z

    Interesting video showing X5 adapter and X5 Z-axis stabilization arm.

    What do you guys think? Also, is this a different Z-axis accessory than the one advertised for the X3 on the DJI Webpage?
  5. K

    OSMO + X5 startup problems

    I have two start up problems. X5 is mounted with 3. party 3d print to handle and I have a panasonic 15 mm with original hood and dji balancing ring attached. Camera starts up and begins some sort of alignment then drops to a tilted angle. There is a live view picture in the go app and it...
  6. S

    X5 and Litchi

    I have been flying my Inspire 1 Pro Since January, and have recently been learning the Litchi app, which seems very well suited to my work. I have been watching the Licthi pilot training video on UDEMY ( if any of you are familiar with that). I assume that the settings for contrast, sharpness...
  7. X

    Fitness Film using Inspire 1 Pro (45mm lens)

    Olympus 45mm is my favorite Inspire 1 Pro lens......utilized this setup to get some fresh new angles and cinematic camera moves both low to the ground and in the sky for this cinematic fitness film shot in Austin, TX. Watch in 1080p with headphones or speakers. Enjoy!
  8. S

    Price Reduced! Parting Out Inspire 1 Pro X5 Production Kit

    Parting Out Inspire 1 Pro X 5 Kit - All equipment is LIKE NEW or Brand New! Inspire 1 Pro X5 with Remote, 1 battery, OG packaging - $3800.00 Extra Controllers - 1 @ $450 (used) 1 @ $550.00 (brand new) 6 tb47s $90 each 2 tb48s - $150 each 2 Ipad Mini 16gb Wi-Fi - $250.00 each Go Professional...
  9. L

    3D Printed X5/Osmo Adapter

    Anyone have any suggestions? There are a few on eBay. Some cheap, one is $100.
  10. L

    40+ft. Jib/Crane for OSMO

    I have been working with a company (who shall remain anonymous for now) on a product specifically for the OSMO. This is something I have been dreaming of for a while. A crane that breaks down into pieces and is adaptable to most tripods. The weight of the OSMO/X5 allows the crane to be made...
  11. MacDyver

    Seeking X5 Gimbal repair not replacement!

    So while filming n.o.e. at high speed to give the illusion of a vehicle moving quickly I clipped a palm tree, yes pilot error. Afterward the gimbal would only shake like an alcoholic with epilepsy, no outward signs of damage but I could now feel friction in gimbal rotation, Scorpion Drones in...
  12. dopeytree

    Autumn colour with the 15mm

    Flying over my local woodland for some autumn colour. DJI Inspire Pro with X5 & 15mm Lens Shot in 4k 24p 50 shutter f8 aperture Iso 100 Edited in Final Cut X & 1.75 sharpening added. Little exposure correction. Music: Autumn Sunset by Audionautix (youtube free audio) Personally starting to...
  13. dopeytree

    Maize harvest + unstable hover

    I met some funny farmers this afternoon & managed a few shots before the batteries died. Not a fan of these shorter flying times but the footage is looking better than the phantom that's for sure. Mixture of Auto & Aperture & fully Manual. 4k 24 fps. Normal colour mode. Little bit of colour...
  14. AerialMediaPros

    New Features & RAW X5, X3, GH4 Footage Side-by-Side - Inspire 1 Pro

    AerialMediaPros posted a new video with all the new info about the Inspire 1 Pro and Zenmuse X5, in including side by side comparisons of raw X5, X3, Pansonic GH4 footage. What do you think about the performance of the X5 after seeing footage side by side?
  15. dronie

    How to mount the X5 to Inspire 1 - Video

    DJI launched this instruction video of how to mount the X5 to the Inspire 1. Looks like it will take a few more steps to mount the camera before every flight:
  16. Scotflieger

    Zenmuse X5/X5R - Compatiable Lens

    The release announcement for the Zenmuse X5/X5R lists 3 compatible Micro Four-Thirds (MFT) lens: DJI MFT 15 mm f1.7 ASPH Prime Lens (35mm equiv 30mm) FOV 72 deg (£499) Olympus Micro Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 lens (equiv 24mm) FOV 84 deg (£549) Panasonic Lumix 15mm G Leica DG Summilux f1.7 ASPH...