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First pass in the bird was a failure... they did NOT update the one (19 00) I'm having issues with... :(
Trying once more with low expectations now... Will post any updates on my bird over in that thread...

Meanwhile... you all have fun with your birds that at least fly... :(
Make sure the .bin file is in the root directory ;)
I know your just trying to make me laugh... thanks... :)

Going to try a remote update now and see if I can at least get some comms working...

On edit... remote update says success... relink efforts not so good...
Looks like my bird is still bricked,,, will take further commits to my other thread...
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I like this:

3. Enabled aircraft to initialize and takeoff from a moving surface.

but I don't like this:

9. Altitude limited to 120 meters when in non-GPS mode.

Should I upgrade?
Upgraded everything without a hitch. Did aircraft first with remote on and app (android) connected, update percentage was accurate and worked all the way through. Updated slave remote at the same time with an USB stick.

When finished the app said the aircraft would autoreboot but it didn't (good, leaves a chance to look at the log once you've powered it off and before powering up again).
Then updated master and all was good.

Remotes stop once in the middle then continue like last time, don't jump too quickly and turn them off then.

There is a battery upgrade, when the app is connected and the aircraft is powered up with a battery with outdated firmware and firmware file on the SD card it will ask for confirmation then upgrade reboot automatically.
So this battery firmware upgrade will require the firmware on the sd card for all the batteries you have, then turn the inspire on and it will update the battery? How long does it take to upgrade the battery? Is there a link to what this firmware upgrade will do?
So this battery firmware upgrade will require the firmware on the sd card for all the batteries you have, then turn the inspire on and it will update the battery?
Yes. Read the release notes, there are battery-related things that this is likely required for (automatic warning when calibration is required etc)
I updated to the new firmware, no problems! 2 remotes cotrollers, and 3 batteries without any problem, went for the test flight, it works.
The battery update is done in the Pilot App. Once you finished with the aircraft and remote controllers update, you can start the aircraft like normal for the flight. If the battery that is in the aircraft is different then the battery during the update, it will show you the question to upgrade the firmware. You can press yes, the percentage of the update will be shown on the screen, and after is finished will restart automatically and is ready to fly! Remember to keep the firmware .bin file on the SD card for all of the extra batteries!
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The update went flawlessly. ( one controller and two batteries ) I followed the latest video tutorial and left the controller off. After the beeps changed, indicating that the aircraft and battery updates were complete ( 13 min. +_ ) I turned off the battery, inserted the second battery turned on the battery and the 2nd battery update started automatically. I updated the controller with a usb stick ( about 5 min.) The compass has to be calibrated afterwards.
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I went thru my log file and am trying to document what is what...

Camera [01 00] v1.7.2499 -> v1.7.2499
Camera [01 01] v1.7.2499 -> v1.7.2499
????? [03 05] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
Main Control [03 06] v2.0.5.10 -> v2.0.5.10
Gimbal [04 00] v1.16.0.76 -> v1.16.0.76
Center Board [05 00] v2.5.6.1 -> v2.5.6.1
Air Sys Encd [08 00] v1.11.0.19 -> v1.11.0.19
Air Sys Main [09 00] v1.7.0.3 -> v1.7.0.3
Battery [11 00] v3.3.0.0 -> v3.2.1.0
ESC [12 00] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
ESC [12 01] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
ESC [12 02] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
ESC [12 03] v1.3.0.60 -> v1.3.0.60
Air USB [15 00] v1.1.2.0 -> v1.1.2.0
Vision PS M4 [17 00] v1.1.0.1 -> v1.1.0.1
Vision PS M0 [17 01] v2.0.0.1 -> v2.0.0.1
????? [19 00] v1.0.8.3 -> v1.0.8.59 need upgrade.

Anybody know on the two I'm not sure...
Anybody see any error on the ones I do have...
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Upgraded everything without a hitch. Did aircraft first with remote on and app (android) connected, update percentage was accurate and worked all the way through. Updated slave remote at the same time with an USB stick.

When finished the app said the aircraft would autoreboot but it didn't (good, leaves a chance to look at the log once you've powered it off and before powering up again).
Then updated master and all was good.

Remotes stop once in the middle then continue like last time, don't jump too quickly and turn them off then.

There is a battery upgrade, when the app is connected and the aircraft is powered up with a battery with outdated firmware and firmware file on the SD card it will ask for confirmation then upgrade reboot automatically.

It's looking promising. The first parts done. The update went well on the inspire and camera and first battery. Just irking my way through each battery now. The bird update took about 15 mins. The batteries are each taking about 3 mins.

Will keep you posted if there's any other issues.

STRANGE done all my batteries, I have 4 TB47s went to do the TB48 and seems it already has the latest firmware. Oh well

Just a further update. I done the controller with absolutely no problems, it took about 7 mins. Everything worked well and as explained it should.

NEXT STEP TOOK IT FOR AQUICK TAKE OFF. This is the first time since I received my i1 that it hasn't reported a compass error switching to atti. It was as solid as a rock and personally I couldn't be happier. Thought I was hallucinating so tried it again with a second battery as I always got it on battery changes - exact same no faults AGAIN. I am right now the happiest guy in New Zealand.
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Managed to update aircraft
Main controller updated OK
Having difficulty updating slave - didn't finish and flash green
However it all seems to be working OK
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