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2 Year Crash Protection

For all those who already have our Service Contract: We can do an upgrade and update your contract. I have not created the upgrade products yet. I will do that tomorrow. The cost will be the difference between the one year and two year contracts. You will be able to use the 10% coupon code that is active and will remain active until I settle all the upgrade requests.
Is this coverage applicable if the Inspire is used comercially?
Yes. We don't even ask what you use it for or whether or not you are paid for that use. In fact, we would rather cover drones used commercially. People who fly commercially typically have a vested interest in flying more safely and have more experience and better piloting skills.
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Certain items on the website are not listed as being covered like the carbon fiber arms for instance. How are repairs handled that involve non-covered items?
Certain items on the website are not listed as being covered like the carbon fiber arms for instance. How are repairs handled that involve non-covered items?
Everything except for loss and total destruction are covered. It is difficult to make an all inclusive list of covered parts and keep it updated for all covered models.
Everything except for loss and total destruction are covered. It is difficult to make an all inclusive list of covered parts and keep it updated for all covered models.
Thanks! And while no one wants to have an incident at all... how many repairs/events can one experience before coverage is dropped or rates change?
Thanks! And while no one wants to have an incident at all... how many repairs/events can one experience before coverage is dropped or rates change?
There is no limit to the number of repairs. The only limit in place is as follows: (quoted directly from the contract)
"The Aggregate Coverage (as defined herein) under this agreement is limited to
two (2) times the full retail cost of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle covered in this
Contract, unless a lower occurrence or aggregate is specifically enumerated
elsewhere in this agreement."
I can assure you that there are no other limits and no lower aggregates elsewhere in the contract.
Well I purchased Neary Insurance for Inspire and had hard time talking myself into it .
2 years and if something goes wrong that I can not fix or local shop can not help me with than
will contact them . I know I do not want to send to DJI .
And here in NJ its like a motorcycle and you get about 6 or 8 months of beautiful weather to really enjoy.
Any others with Inspire purchase Protection Plan? And 10% was added incentive.
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I would like to ask, if is possible to use coverage in other countries than USA ? I live in Czech Republic and I'm really interesting to buy coverage. Another question is how it will works if I'll crash my drone. Should i have to send it to USA or you will contact local service center ?
I would contact Neray Aerial.com and and ask your questions..I would think it has to be shipped to U.S for repairs.

I would like to ask, if is possible to use coverage in other countries than USA ? I live in Czech Republic and I'm really interesting to buy coverage. Another question is how it will works if I'll crash my drone. Should i have to send it to USA or you will contact local service center ?
Yes. Our repair shops are in the US. We haven't started covering countries outside the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico yet. Because of international shipping costs, we never be able to do so. I would love to have a contact at a Czech repair service. Perhaps we could cover that region if we had a local repair shop that was dependable and skilled in fixing crashed drones. If you know of one there, let me know.

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