
Oct 3, 2016
Reaction score
Devon, UK
Have not had an experience with this - but we live under a busy beacon turning point so I assumed that it I put the M210 outside and powered on, I would get a nice indication of at least some of the aircraft as the go overhead - but not a peep - I cant find any documentation on the range or spec of airsence, has anyone got any pointers at all (we are in UK)
Is ADS-B even used in the UK (yet)?
It’s not mandatory so the majority of aircraft won’t have it or have it switched off when in UK airspace I would imagine.
The CAA have said they want to implement UAT but there is a difference between US and UK (Europe/EASA) frequencies, although it seems 1090mhz is/will be the preferred ICOA standard.
As per usual no common ground so rules/protocols still being drawn up and agreed.
Not much use in the UK at the moment. US/FAA have some implementation at present (circa 40,000 aircraft). Even so, the FAA have only mandated that aircraft must be equipped with ADS-B by 2020.
In operations in South West Florida, I have gotten sporadic notifications. I've never seen the actual aircraft when the alert goes off, but I take precautions regardless. I like the feature a lot.