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Bad last video file?

Jan 28, 2015
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Twice now have had the experience that the last video I shot during a flight has turned out to be unreadable. It appears that they've possibly been truncated -- for example, if I shot 4 two minute clips, the last (unreadable) one will end up being about 1/3 the size of the first three. I'm guessing that somehow the entire file didn't get written -- I'm shooting 4K 24fps in MOV format, on 32GB Sandisk Ultra cards. The last time I know that I left the Inspire powered up for at least two minutes after stopping recording and landing, hoping that would be enough time to finish writing any buffer than needs to be written, but I still had the error.

Is anyone else seeing this? Is it the brand / class of card I'm using, or something I'm doing wrong procedurally?

I have only seen that occur when I forgot to stop the recording prior to powering off the Inspire. Haven't seen it since I figured that out though. I use the Sandisk Ultra Plus cards without issue. I guess it's possible that the write speed of the Ultra cards isn't sufficient. Do you experience the problem with the original 16GB card that came with the Inspire?

One thought... If after you stop your video recording you were to hit video record again and then immediately stop recording; does it preserve your desired video?
One thought... If after you stop your video recording you were to hit video record again and then immediately stop recording; does it preserve your desired video?

Just got in from trying that, don't know what to think -- got them all including the last 5 second video shot in the lawn :-)
You may need to allow time for processing after you stop shooting before powering off. That's how the Phantom 2V worked. Usually you could tell by trying to watch the video. If it was not done, you couldn't watch it from the phone/pad
It is possible you have a fake Sandisk card (even if you purchased from Amazon or similar). Have you tried other cards? You didn't confirm whether it still corrupted files on the supplied card with the Inspire
If you power off the Inspire 1 before stopping the video recording, the video file will corrupt. The following link helped me to recover two videos that had become corrupted due to my error described above.

** FYI - This is the videographer who flew the shots over the volcano for GMA.


NOTE - All files must be in the same folder. This is run from a DOS Prompt.

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