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Batteries show 0% in 3rd party Android Apps (Ultimate flight AND Litchi)

Jul 22, 2015
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After 1.3 update:

Batteries show 0% in 3rd party Android Apps (Ultimate flight AND Litchi)

Same problem with all batteries.

I completely discharged one battery and charged it new - did not change anything.

However DJI Pilot still shows the correct battery values. Now we are again at the point why its inacceptable that DJI promised standard features like POI and waypoints are outsourced to 3rd party apps. I CANNOT FLY because the 3rd party apps which provide these features give me 0% battery!

I am not the only one with this but it seems only few have this problem. DJI Support cannot help.

I have two B Remote controls, different tablets and android versions - all have the same problem.

It seems DJI forces into Apple though Apple market share decreases everywhere in the world even in China Apple is only numer three now.

But fact is only Apple deviced are supported with working software.
The 3rd party apps must need updating to support a change in firmware 1.3.

You will need to chase them on this problem, not DJI.
I did but it seems most pilots do not have this problem though I am not the only one. So the problem is not on the Apps side.

Maybe its the B series RC? I just could not find out now what is the problem.
If the DJI App shows the correct battery % then all hardware/firmware is working. It must just be the 3rd party apps??
If the DJI App shows the correct battery % then all hardware/firmware is working. It must just be the 3rd party apps??

But why then only few seem to have this problem. I would more search the problem like A and B series RCs handle some SDK features different.
It's possible. So many combinations, so many different results. I would still ask the app developers if they have updated there apps to work with 1.3 and then firmware versions you are using for rc and drone.
There apps do theoretically not work with 1.3. they wait for a new SDK FW which DJI announced. Just seems some have no problems using 1.3 others do.

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