What is the difference between flying a drone with genuine but outdated, old and weak battery and flying it with a third party or DIY battetry? As the world is full with inspire 1 users, mostly all of them are still operating them with their old genuine batteries. In which case the risk is higher then?It is 100% irresponsible for ANYONE to put a third party battery pack on an Inspire as its main power source and fly it. DJI knows this, thus why they made it so difficult.
There are risk related subcategories and if following the rules of Open A3 category the drone should not be within 150 meters from property or people (according EASA). The pilot have full responsibility of whatever could happen, like a driver on the road with his crappy old car that passed all regulations but actually broke on the road and killed innocent people.
You really sound like a DJI troll! And not only from this comment but you overal have spammed the therad with tons of theories that this is not doable or too dangerous. The idea in those forums are to provide positive feedback that can help people do what they are asking for. If you can't help then simply do not comment, especially how much you know but you can't tell anyone about LOL.An aircraft the size of an Inspire 1 will easily kill a child. It could easily kill an adult as well. If flown into traffic there is no question it could cause a massive chain-reaction and many deaths.
There are many ways in this world for accident to happen, and flying a 4kg drone from any brand can kill a person and not only, there are lighter fpv drones like DJI's FPV for example, CE Certified and only 700 grams but can reach up to 140 km/h, this can easily kill a person as well with all it's genuity. Soo what's your point?
How many lives you saved so far, did you count them?

So far I can see your intentions in this thread are to convince people to not modify their inspires or batteries, explaing how hard this is and bla bla tons of theory against any options. But this thread is filled in with the exact opposite information from tens of people who did a lot of experiments on their own expenses and shared all the info to the community.
I did the power clip mod years ago just for proof of concept and it was working perfect! Thanks to all the people who decided to share their knowledge here. I've used 1 x TB47 and 2 x Gensace 3000mah batteries, strapped with velcro on the arms, this extended the flight time of Inspire RAW to 22 minutes of hoovering in 3-4m/s wind (default on TB48 is 13-14 min with brand new battery). DJI GO was showing all the additional time in the green bar, yes it was showing 22 minutes from the take off (don't know how that happens, and really don't care as it works), as well the exact voltage of the current combined power pack was shown which is the most important thing to keep eye on.
Soo for those who look for it, it's not so difficult, no need of reprogramming or finding the exact cells, the difficult resoldering of cells and etc. One only need additional batteries with high C rate, so they could feed the inspire's power demands while at the same time are charging the main battery so to keep it ON when the main become depletted as it will before the additional batteries.
And lastly everyone so far knows that m600 batteries can be refit with inspire's cap's, another way to keep the inspire in the air but still DIY and not genuine.
It's really simple if one want to go that or either way just this thread became overstretched and the precious info is hard to be found between all of the blabla.