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Bloody auto update!!

Mar 30, 2015
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SO, DJI, listen up .

why the F*%K would the IOS app automatically update itself with no warning or asking for permission????

I had to connect the ipad to the net to cache some map. then next time I open the app, i get a mesasge saying "DJI would like to send you info"
I say ok.
then I realise the app is updated. GRRRRRRRRR!!!! :(

on the plus side the video lag seems to have reduced a lot .
got video DROPOUTS in the app today,,,,,, for the first time ever,,,,,,, what a bunch of absolute sh#t
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Does anyone know how to instal the older version of the app onto the IPAD? I really dont want to even bother using the new version after today
Is the AEB-function removed or gray, in the new version.
Have seen some comments here and there about it.

Dare not update, it is the feature I use the most, so do not want to be without it ..
My maps seem to have a mind of their own since updating the app. 1 minute they're in the bottom left corner and then they're in the bottom right hand corner o.O
Does anyone know how to instal the older version of the app onto the IPAD? I really dont want to even bother using the new version after today
Just uninstall the new app and re-install the older version.That's why I have all the old versions on my pc.Sadly they are all andriod,so I can't send you any.
Good luck
I was just asking in another thread if anyone was having the video dropout issue like I was. Overall bad transmission and sometimes the camrea will not connect, it will just be black. I have to restart the pilot app like 3 times for it to connect but I can still control the camera when I cant see it, so I know its connecting
SO, DJI, listen up .

why the F*%K would the IOS app automatically update itself with no warning or asking for permission????

I had to connect the ipad to the net to cache some map. then next time I open the app, i get a mesasge saying "DJI would like to send you info"
I say ok.
then I realise the app is updated. GRRRRRRRRR!!!! :(

on the plus side the video lag seems to have reduced a lot .

DJI doesn't auto update your iOS app, it's settings in the iOS device that control that behavior:

Turn off Settings -> iTunes & App Store -> Automatic Updates -> Updates (turn off).
DJI doesn't auto update your iOS app, it's settings in the iOS device that control that behavior
Exact, iOS defaults to automatically update all apps in the background, up to you to disable it if you don't like.

With DJI apps it's good practice to backup your own app before/after each update too so you can restore older versions if you want as you can't take someone else's unless jailbroken.
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does anyone have a jailbroken version? Im in the middle of a gig, and while the dji part of the gig is over with, I still want to use it to get some drone on drone footage of the rest of the gig, and dont trust it as far as I could throw it uphill into a prevailing wind.

I wouldnt mind if someone can lend a hand in the process of "unfu##ing up" a system that was a joy to use
Unfortunately in iOS land each app is bound to the userid and one won't run on another userid account/device.

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