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Bought used x5 for my Inspire 1 v2 and not getting a picture.....Please help!

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Jul 7, 2019
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Louisville Kentucky
I have an Inspire 1 v2 and had a Zenmuse x3 camera. I purchased a used X5 camera last week in excellent shape. I purchased the Inspire 1 in February of 2019 and have not updated any firmware since I have had it. The X5 calibrates and does its usual thing on startup but when its finished neither a red or green light is illuminated. I have crystal sky and everything is synced up and I am connected with I1. But I am getting no image on my crystal sky.

After some very difficult research and spending 2 hours in chat with DJI he suggested I update the firmware. I get my card and I format it in the computer then download the BIN file to the card and I put in the camera and turn on the I1 while leaving my Controller off. The camera does its thing BUT this time the green and red light are alternating and I am getting excited that this might work and the I1 is doing its beep beep beep THEN after about 1 or 2 minutes the light on the camera turns solid red and the sound is constant beeeeeeeeeeep. The DJI rep said to shut down and delete the file and re-download it and try again. Again it does the exact same thing.

Now I turn the I1 on without the card and the camera red light blinks but I turn on the controller and crystalsky and after fiddling with the screen (not sure what I did ) but I got a picture on my crystalsky but the red light flashing and then I thought well probably is because I don't have a memory card inserted. I shut everything down and insert the memory card wiped clean and formatted and the camera does its thing and I am connected to controller but there is no red or green light illuminated. I don't have an image on my screen.

One other thing the camera will take a picture and if I hook up the card I can see the picture.

Anybody have any suggestions. I am very frustrated and would love to use the camera. I appreciate any help you can provide.
Hate to give you this suggestion, but you might try booting up with an iPad. I have an I1 and I2 and CrystalSky. The CrystalSky works great on the I2, and seemed to be OK on the I1. But a couple of months ago I was flying out some batteries on the I1 (my backup unit) with the Crystalsky and was shocked when the latency jumped to over 20 seconds. Not good. I did everything I could think of, but it would not get much better. It still was fine on the I2. So in a panic I fired up my old iPad mini (I had been using it before the Crystalsky) and the iPad was normal. Not sure if there have been some firmware mods to the Crystalsky that affects the older I1. But I simply did not waste anymore time trying to figure it out. So my I2 uses the Crystalsky now, and the I1 uses the iPad.
Without knowing your firmware versions and App versions, we can only take stabs in the dark at fixing your problem. Here's the winning, rock-solid combination for your setup:

App: v3.1.1
App database: v00.00.01.04
Aircraft: v1.8.1.00
Remote: v1.6
X3 Camera: v1.8.1
X5 Camera: v1.11.1.50

That said, there's some wiggle room on the X5 Firmware. Quite honestly, there's a LOT of wiggle room. If you get your bird, controller and app set up with these versions, your X5 should work regardless of firmware version. If not, get back on here and we can work forward from there.

BTW, I totally agree with S White. As much as I am NOT an Apple fan boy, the iPad DOES seem to work best with the DJI offerings...which is ironic considering the Crystal Sky is THEIR hardware. Yet ANOTHER one of DJI's disconnects between departments...but I digress...

Moreover, I'm having some issues with my Gen 3 iPad...BUT...I do a lot of hacking, so my case scenario may not be typical. Without a doubt, my Gen 2 Pro and Gen 1 Air 1 work perfectly running iOS 12.1.xx.

Good luck.

Thanks for the replies and yeah I am NOT HAPPY if what I paid for the Crystal Sky is not the best monitor for the I1. I have an x3 and it worked fine so that was why I did not think it would be the crystal sky. Also here are my firmware versions :

App 3.1.52
Remote Controller 1.7.80
Thanks for the replies and yeah I am NOT HAPPY if what I paid for the Crystal Sky is not the best monitor for the I1. I have an x3 and it worked fine so that was why I did not think it would be the crystal sky. Also here are my firmware versions :

App 3.1.52
Remote Controller 1.7.80

So it looks like you have all the latest versions, which is not good. To really unlock the potential of your Inspire 1, I recommend you install the app and firmware versions I recommended. This may not solve your camera problem, but it might.

Thanks. This is really weird and I hooked up my ipad mini and I get the same result. Since I know the lens is working I am thinking it is the board. I have ordered a new one and will change it out this weekend. I am hopeful this is the problem. I will let you guys know. If anyone can think of anything else please let me know.

BTW. I still haven't heard if the "green" light stays illuminated while flying on the camera or only blinks when taking pictures.
Ok weird. I have been convesing with DJI and left my drone on and I now have a picture from my camera. But I don't think it should take that long to show up. Should it ? Does this mean something else could be wrong? I am so confused.

Picture should come up instantly. Otherwise there is something going on.

I wanted to provide an update in case anyone else has issues. I finally gave up and received a repair request and sent my drone in to have it looked at. I know folks give DJI a hard time but the process was pretty simple and pretty quick. Got the drone back within two weeks time. Now the bad part is I have no idea what I paid for but I paid 250 which I am guessing is their rate for products out of warranty. I just got the drone back on Monday and I am excited to actually get to use the camera I purchased and it won't exit travel mode.... Was very frustrated and then I got to thinking well it might not be synced with my controller. Last night I synced with my controller and it worked. I can now go flying. Yay.

DJI did send me a survey and I told them they should put in some post repair documentation like you will need to pair your drone to your controller or any other specific information including an invoice for what services were provided.... Any way I appreciate all that replied to my problem, I wish it didn't cost me $250 but I suppose a little price to get the drone back and working. Now I can take with me on my vacation to New Hampshire in October... Happy flying everyone.

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