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Compass error during flight

Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Hey everyone,

So I'm confused on why this is happening. It has happened twice over the weekend. Happened on Saturday and Sunday. I would calibrate the compass and take off. Once I'm 150m away, the compass error would appear. I then brought it back and calibrated the compass again. Took off again and flew out. The error never returned. Not sure what's going on. Last time I flew was last month and it was fine. Sunday I calibrated the compass over grass at my local beach. When I went over the water... That's when the error came up.

Maybe I'm calibrating the compass wrong? I follow the instructions in the app on how to calibrate the compass. Turn the inspire 360. Flip it on its side and turn it 360. I remember in the past we had to point the nose down and turn 360. Why was that removed? Would a IMU calibration help? any help would be greatly appreciated :)
That’s weird. It also says weak gps signal. Is the bird covered in stickers, lights, or any other accessories that could interfere with your onboard electronics?
That’s weird. It also says weak gps signal. Is the bird covered in stickers, lights, or any other accessories that could interfere with your onboard electronics?

No stickers or anything are on the Inspire. The compass is located inside the nose area of the aircraft no? If so I don't see any signs of damage to the plastic at all. I'm just confused.... Never happened before and I've been flying this Inspire 1 for 3 years. Really strange...
No stickers or anything are on the Inspire. The compass is located inside the nose area of the aircraft no? If so I don't see any signs of damage to the plastic at all. I'm just confused.... Never happened before and I've been flying this Inspire 1 for 3 years. Really strange...
Had the same issue. After a ton of back and forth with DJI and a very long thread on the DJI site it ended up being the version of IOS and the app. DJI fixed the GO app and I am back in action. It made no sense as to why the issues where there but with the latest DJI GO app it has cleared
You get compass error when you get a lot of signal interference.... I've had this happened during flights and I would just fly to another spot until the error clears.

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