My neighbor just got an inspire also. Can someone comment on interference issues.
As the Inspire and UAVs in general become more populated what inadvertent interference issues might start happening. I am planning on going to the beach today to shoot. What happens if there is another Inspire also in the area? I would appreciate comment from anyone if this is something I need to be concerned about
Thanks to everyone for all the help this forum has given me. I am up to about 10hrs on in the Inspire. It is a most amazing piece of equipment
As the Inspire and UAVs in general become more populated what inadvertent interference issues might start happening. I am planning on going to the beach today to shoot. What happens if there is another Inspire also in the area? I would appreciate comment from anyone if this is something I need to be concerned about
Thanks to everyone for all the help this forum has given me. I am up to about 10hrs on in the Inspire. It is a most amazing piece of equipment