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Discharged Battery

Jan 9, 2015
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Hi everyone, i got a problem trying to discharge my battery to 0%. When my Inspire hit 9% and wont lets me spool up the motors. The App said "replace a new battery". I want to discharged my battery but cant go lower than 9%. Some experts please help, thanks [emoji4]

p.s. yes i did read the manual how to discharged a battery.

thanks. i just do another test. i found out, you need to keep the throttle stick up (Inspire will fight to land it) so had to keep the throttle up until it ran down Zero %

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Unless I am terribly mistaken, I read that it was unhealthy for a LiPo battery to discharge them fully, here is a quote "LiPo batteries should never be discharged below 3.0V/cell, or it may permanently damage them."
Unless I am terribly mistaken, I read that it was unhealthy for a LiPo battery to discharge them fully, here is a quote "LiPo batteries should never be discharged below 3.0V/cell, or it may permanently damage them."
Correct but running an Inspire pack down until it shuts off does not equate to zero for the lipo pack.
It's LVC is 3.5v per cell.
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Unless I am terribly mistaken, I read that it was unhealthy for a LiPo battery to discharge them fully, here is a quote "LiPo batteries should never be discharged below 3.0V/cell, or it may permanently damage them."
The Inspire batteries include circuitry that ensures you can't, it shuts down the battery when the lowest cell reaches about 3.1V. That's the point until which we want to go, when the battery shuts itself off due to low voltage it teaches the circuitry what "fully empty" is.
The Inspire batteries include circuitry that ensures you can't, it shuts down the battery when the lowest cell reaches about 3.1V. That's the point until which we want to go, when the battery shuts itself off due to low voltage it teaches the circuitry what "fully empty" is.
Unfortunately the original poster appears to have achieved 0% "his words" which is why I was raising this :-)
Not "his words", what's reported by the app.

In the case of the I1 smart battery discharging it to 0% as reported by the app is normal, it's still in the safe range, and it will not let you go in the unsafe range at all in the first place.
So basically i should fly or hover really low till 10%ish. Then leave it in the unit turned on until it turn off itself?

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