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DJI Pilot App has been updated

Jun 28, 2015
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Hi everyone just to let you know the DJI Pilot app has been updated and is in the update section of the App Store. It is now called DJI GO. Say's new firmware version needed to use some of the functions so I presume that will come later today. Enjoy!
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First impression,

It's a disappointing experience, starting up DJI Go for the first time, at least for me. You NEED to connect to your I1 even to see a glimpse of the pilot interface, which is just the same. (good thing) But I don't see any obvious improvements or changes there. Maybe after the firmware update, which I won't do for now.

For the rest it's all about sharing your birthday party shots instantly to the masses, preferably through SkyPixel. Great news! You can share your instant, nitwit Director cuts in HD. Boy am I thrilled.

But I assume I will eventually only use it for settings and calibration and maintenance. There are a bunch of very nice apps on the corner (some still in Beta, some already on the street) that make me forget DJI Go real soon, I hope.

Okay, it was still early and I had a bad morning temper. Maybe after a gallon of extra dark roasted arabica I'm more positive.
You NEED to connect to your I1 even to see a glimpse of the pilot interface,
Only the first time you start up the app. Next time you can enter the pilot screen without starting up the I1.

Together with the new FW I think it will be a true upgrade from what we had.
The arabica is doing it's work allright.
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The flight record is now in the top left corner of the home page not under the user centre, and you can now edit details and add a photo.
Most settings have been reset including expos and RTH height.
It seems to check IMU status on start-up.
You can change more things; the gains and expos - attitude/brake and with pitch/roll/yaw/vertical etc will take a bit of playing with.
Seems there's more stable channels.
More info under Aircraft state.
Smart go home and Enable Vision Positioning System under Advanced settings.
Under gimbal - Advanced settings now allows to set 3 different configurations.

Just a brief look, I'm sure there's more, cheers.
The focus on photo sharing etc was a big disappointment to me as well as many other Beta testers.

The fact that DJI employees were recommending turning off video caching to avoid overheating etc meant that cached video to work on wasn't available anyway, and what might be there with video caching enabled was very poor quality streamed video. Why would you care about editing and uploading that except perhaps to document a flyaway?

However, to be fair they have now optimized the app performance so perhaps video caching can be turned back on without dramatic negative effects.

They also have enabled the ability to download video from the aircraft I think I saw.'

Still, for most folks, using a computer to edit high quality video / photos is the desired workflow.

Many of us are scratching our heads as to why they bother putting that kind of effort into a bells and whistles feature set nobody really seems to want and not focus fully on the stuff they have already promised...,
Many of us are scratching our heads as to why they bother putting that kind of effort into a bells and whistles feature set nobody really seems to want and not focus fully on the stuff they have already promised...,
My thoughts exactly!

I'm sticking with ios 1.0.2 :P
I ain't updating the FW either. BangZ that!
There's nothing there that bangs my hammer.

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