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DJI's Nazi-esque usurpation of our drones...

This is the professional user's threads. I also work commercially in the UK within the rules. I plan my tasks and check my equipment and software beforehand. Simples.

Not simple. Checked all my equipment before the shoot, including caching maps because I was going out to a remote location. Was met with this.

Beware: Potty mouth! If cursing offends you, turn down your sound card.

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I had literally linked my iPad at my house and cached the maps 30 minutes earlier. WithOUT closing the app, went out on location, fired up the bird, connected the iPad, and was met with the above. If your assertion is that I need to conduct actual test flights minutes before going out on location, I will respectfully agree to disagree. I test equipment the day before. I cache maps minutes or hours before. That seems like enough diligence to avoid the DJI Nazis to me.

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Considering the admins/mods are censoring those with opposing (or unfavorable) views I'm going to stop posting in this community and instead leave with this:
DJI is a toy drone manufacturer
DJI has a monopoly on the market
DJI is not going to provide a solution for incompetent and unsafe operators
There are people like what's his name in the UK who will happily bend over and comply even if does absolutely nothing to make the systems safer, even if it takes away safe functionality of the product he paid for.

You want to pretend this is somehow a professional forum while you discourage and even censor posts that encourage we question proposed systems in the interest of safety. You wouldn't make it past the front door in manned aviation. Unless you were paid by a billion dollar corporation like DJI to lobby for "safety" features that gives them data and $, of course.

There's a reason this forum is dead. Keep killing it admins/mods, you only prove my point.

Considering the admins/mods are censoring those with opposing (or unfavorable) views I'm going to stop posting in this community and instead leave with this:

What was censored? If you're calling people f****** a*******, then that usually gets you censored in ANY forum, regardless of subject matter.

DJI is a toy drone manufacturer

I disagree. When hacked, DJI products can be a very powerful tool. You'll get no argument that their software, firmware and support departments suck. But their hardware is second to none, as far as I can tell. I've built an entire career around their products. My drone company did $24K last year. I'm not getting rich, but it subsidizes my other income endeavors nicely.

DJI has a monopoly on the market

Yep. I partially blame the FAA and the media for this. We've lead the world in every technology...accept drones. Why? Too much regulation on them here. Too much stigma. Too much media hype. It's too bad. There have been some promising domestic products. But in China, unimpeded by over-regulation, DJI has been allowed to flourish.

DJI is not going to provide a solution for incompetent and unsafe operators.

Obviously, I couldn't agree more.

There are people like what's his name in the UK who will happily bend over and comply even if does absolutely nothing to make the systems safer, even if it takes away safe functionality of the product he paid for.

I agree that it's frustrating to see those who don't get the "robbery" side of DJI's regulation. It's not their job, but I digress and defer to my OP.

You want to pretend this is somehow a professional forum while you discourage and even censor posts that encourage we question proposed systems in the interest of safety.

I don't think anyone, myself included, hails this as a "professional forum." They don't even sell it as such.

Regarding censorship; I've belonged to MANY forums in my lifetime. They are moderated for a reason. I don't always agree with the rules or the censorship, but it's not my forum. Left unchecked, forum communities can become frustrating for those truly trying to learn. One bad apple can ruin the entire experience. So I say "take it down a notch." Make your points, but try to keep cursing and chastising to a minimum. It IS possible to do both.

You wouldn't make it past the front door in manned aviation.

Seems the rules, regulations and protocols are WORSE in the aviation field. You can't take a piss without informing someone about it. Tell me I'm wrong.

Unless you were paid by a billion dollar corporation like DJI to lobby for "safety" features that gives them data and $, of course.

Clearly, my original post was not censored. So you must be doing something wrong, sharing something unproductive, or both. Take some responsibility.

There's a reason this forum is dead. Keep killing it admins/mods, you only prove my point.

Define "dead."

You make good points. I think it's your delivery that may need work. Remember; a forum is a private enterprise. And like any private business, you must play by the owner's rules.

My wrist has been slapped a few times around here. Shake it off and move forward.

Sorry you were censored. But instead of throwing a temper tantrum, learn from it and curb your comment style. As a full scale pilot, "Playing by the rules" should be something you're VERY used to doing.

Good day, sir.

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What was censored? If you're calling people f****** a*******, then that usually gets you censored in ANY forum, regardless of subject matter.

I disagree. When hacked, DJI products can be a very powerful tool. You'll get no argument that their software, firmware and support departments suck. But their hardware is second to none, as far as I can tell. I've built an entire career around their products. My drone company did $24K last year. I'm not getting rich, but it subsidizes my other income endeavors nicely.

Yep. I partially blame the FAA and the media for this. We've lead the world in every technology...accept drones. Why? Too much regulation on them here. Too much stigma. Too much media hype. It's too bad. There have been some promising domestic products. But in China, unimpeded by over-regulation, DJI has been allowed to flourish.

Obviously, I couldn't agree more.

I agree that it's frustrating to see those who don't get the "robbery" side of DJI's regulation. It's not their job, but I digress and defer to my OP.

I don't think anyone, myself included, hails this as a "professional forum." They don't even sell it as such.

Regarding censorship; I've belonged to MANY forums in my lifetime. They are moderated for a reason. I don't always agree with the rules or the censorship, but it's not my forum. Left unchecked, forum communities can become frustrating for those truly trying to learn. One bad apple can ruin the entire experience. So I say "take it down a notch." Make your points, but try to keep cursing and chastising to a minimum. It IS possible to do both.

Seems the rules, regulations and protocols are WORSE in the aviation field. You can't take a piss without informing someone about it. Tell me I'm wrong.

Clearly, my original post was not censored. So you must be doing something wrong, sharing something unproductive, or both. Take some responsibility.

Define "dead."

You make good points. I think it's your delivery that may need work. Remember; a forum is a private enterprise. And like any private business, you must play by the owner's rules.

My wrist has been slapped a few times around here. Shake it off and move forward.

Sorry you were censored. But instead of throwing a temper tantrum, learn from it and curb your comment style. As a full scale pilot, "Playing by the rules" should be something you're VERY used to doing.
I didn't write my response to get in a pissing match, or any argument, for that matter. I've made my points and if you want substantiation I'll provide it.

Nor did I make my reply to cry and complain about censorship. Forums are private and they may do as they please, but it's pretty important for your user base to know GUI warriors are letting privileges on a forum of all places get to their head.

I better be careful, might make a controversial but legitimate point that gets me banned.
I didn't write my response to get in a pissing match, or any argument, for that matter. I've made my points and if you want substantiation I'll provide it.

Nor did I make my reply to cry and complain about censorship. Forums are private and they may do as they please, but it's pretty important for your user base to know GUI warriors are letting privileges on a forum of all places get to their head.

I better be careful, might make a controversial but legitimate point that gets me banned.
It’s your attitude and posting pointed comments at other member(s) that got your post censored - not your opinion.
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The Chinese are communists.... That's how they roll.

PS: This is a fact and not racist, stereotyping or hate mongering.

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