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Epic 2 Mile Fly Away!

man, scare me now. what is your preflight check list and your sensors value?

ACCEL= .99-1.01
COMPASS= 1400-1600

is your in this values before you take off?

A few points from this video:

1. Whilst doing your pre-flight check list on this flight what were your mod values for all sensors?
2. What was the KP index on this day?
3. Where did you calibrate your compass?
4. There is definite TBE going on there, why did you not switch it to Atti?
i don't know all mod sensor values, i may be able to send?
KP index, i don't know what this is?
i calibrated compass prior to flight
can i send u any of this detail ?
i don't know mate? i just check it says good for flight, i did calibrate imu and compass at take off point
And that I'm afraid is your problem - Nothing wrong with your AC.

1. You do not have a Pre-Flight checklist
2. You do not check your mod values before EVERY flight
3. You calibrate your compass at your flying location which can cause a skewed result.

I am afraid you need to rethink your flying practices and disciplines and you will have no more incidents like this
I wonder if that ship may have switched on their radar or some other EM source that caused your IMU to get scrambled? Just a WAG on my part but it will be interesting to see what DJI has to say about that once they see the flight data.
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i am glad i had no issues yet... i fly in budapest downdown for an imagfilm i am making for a friend of mine... something like thus would cost my balls, head and leg at least... in worst case... resulting in ultimate ban of multirotors in budapest i guess... crazy... i am not sure what i would have done while in LOS i probably would have tried the CSC... and get it down on the field in the beginning of the video... then take the bird to dji and let them fix it and refund me with a new one... stuff like this should not happen...
i am glad it turned out good for you. nice place where you live. may i ask wehre you are located at?
And that I'm afraid is your problem - Nothing wrong with you AC.

1. You do not have a Pre -Flight checklist
2. You do not check your mod values before EVERY flight
3. You calibrate your compass at your flying location which can cause a skewed result.

I am afraid you need to rethink your flying practices and disciplines and you will have no more incidents like this
eh? so im not to calibrate compass at every flight location?
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