Ok - this thread is rapidly exploding out of hand.
Lets slow down and take a breath.......
This is NOT meant to be patronising in any way so please do not construe it as such.
First of all, I have watched your video now three times and I can say that pretty much without doubt that this was compass calibration related. There is classic TBE going on and the compass is fighting the GPS values causing the circular motions always evident in this type of scenario.
Secondly, everybody should take their time to learn their aircraft and practice good airmanship - these things weigh 3kg and can kill somebody.
There seems to be some incessant need to get airborne as quickly as possible (quick release props, landing position cases etc) - Why? Would everyone be happy if when they went on holiday and were sitting in the Airbus the pilot said "Not going to bother with the pre-flight checks... lets get up there as quickly as possible and have some fun?"

Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY should learn to fly in Atti mode. Systems can fail, GPS can be flakey, compass can have errors so learn to pilot your aircraft in the nearest thing we have to manual on the Inspire which is Atti. Put in stick time where if you have a mishap it doesn't matter (open fields etc) until you are comfortable flying whole packs in Atti. - It would have saved this occurrence from getting as bad as it did.
If ANYTHING doesn't feel right or does not behave they way you expect it to - LAND! Terminate the flight and investigate what is going on.
With regards to IMU and compass calibrations..... I have reiterated many many times on this forum:
YOU DO NOT need to do an IMU calibration every five minutes or days with a 'Y' in them. Do an IMU calibration on a flat, level, vibration free surface (preferably as soon as you fire up the Inspire so the flight controller is still cold). Once calibrated check the values are within spec. THEN LEAVE IT ALONE !!!
I have done 3 IMU calibrations since I got my Inspire, each one has been immediately after updating firmware - that's it.
However, I ALWAYS check my IMU mod values before every single flight. If they are not right I do not take off
Compass calibrations DO NOT need to be done every time you cross the road or change location or sleep overnight in a log cabin or watch the 'X-Factor'
You only need to re-calibrate your compass if:
1. You have traveled a LONG distance (different timezone etc, or thousands of miles) or the app tells you that you have a compass error. (I'll come back to that one)
When you are calibrating your compass you are setting it up for the magnetic declination you are flying in. This does not change dramatically unless you travel a LONG way.
Now, if you drive to a parking lot for example and you decide to fly from there, you have no way of knowing what influences are affecting the compass from buried metal, cars around you, building nearby etc. You may well do a calibration at this spot but the compass is being affected by these unseen influences. Not enough to cause an error, but enough to skew the result away from the true declination value for that location. The compass calibrates and the mod values pull the compass in line with the magic 1400 - 1600 number.
However, when you take off you are then clear of that magnetic influence that caused the skewed value and all that is acting on the compass now is the TRUE magnetic flux for the declination you are located. Only problem is your compass is 'calibrated' from the parking lot where you took off - so it's now wrong!
My advice, for what it's worth:
1. Get to know your Inspire inside out
2. Get very comfortable flying in Atti - Practice regularly.
3. Calibrate your IMU and LEAVE it alone
4. Calibrate your compass well away from ANYTHING that could cause a skewed result. Check your mod values, then move 100ft or so and check them again. If they are the same you probably have a GOOD calibration so LEAVE IT ALONE.
5. ALWAYS check your mod values before every single flight
6. Make yourself a good checklist of items and follow it!
7. If ANYTHING doesn't seem quite right be ready to land immediately/flick to atti.
8. I said I would come back to the 'Compass Error' message. - If you do get this, pick the Inspire up and move it...chances are that error will go away or it is caused by an influence near you.
Sorry for the huge post guys but I hope some of it is helpful.
I will now sit back and wait for the bombs to go off