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Fail safe and RTH?

Jan 23, 2014
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lets just say hypothetically you're flying above woods at 150 feet the trees are 80 feet tall and fail safe or return to home happens and in the App it's set for 60 feet. does it maintain its altitude at 150 feet or does it automatically drop down to 60 feet in which case would be in the woods! or is it when you are below 60 feet let's say 30" the i1 would then climb to 60 feet and then return home? That is the way I thought it works Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I KNOW that is the way the Phantoms work. I found that out the hard way when I was flying low under tree cover, thinking I didn't have to worry about the batteries 3 ft off the ground. At least it finally landed without much damage.
If you are at 150', it will stay at this altitude, if you're below 60', it will climb at 60'.
I had an instance where I set the max height to 120 meters (390 feet). While at that height and pressing the RTH on the RC, she immediately climbed busting through my 390 foot limit. The failsafe was set at 300 feet to clear some tall 200 foot stacks. At 820 feet I canceled the RTH. After a perceived fly away I pressed the RTH from the app and the AC came home. Going to do some more testing tomorrow to see what's going on.
I had an instance where I set the max height to 120 meters (390 feet). While at that height and pressing the RTH on the RC, she immediately climbed busting through my 390 foot limit. The failsafe was set at 300 feet to clear some tall 200 foot stacks. At 820 feet I canceled the RTH. After a perceived fly away I pressed the RTH from the app and the AC came home. Going to do some more testing tomorrow to see what's going on.

Could you not double post please?
You posted the same comment/question here.....

Because it is directly against our forum rules....
Rule 6 http://www.inspirepilots.com/pages/communityguidelines/

Thank You
Not to tell how to do your job but in this case, he did not go against the rule.
If you have been around forums for a while, you would know that such rules are written to prevent folks from going into different forums on the same site fishing for a "quick" answer instead of waiting for someone to reply.
I would not have seen his post in the other thread and as a consumer of DJI products and a member of this forum, I think his post was relevant to the topic at hand even if he made the same comment or post previously and his post could very well prove of value.

So for example if I say I like DJI products in one thread, am I not allowed (due to rules) say that I like DJI products in a different thread?
Perhaps you know something about this poster that I do not, like maybe he does this often. If that's the case then please just delete my post here.

OK after a few re-reads of the manual and then the mysterious loss of my flight record to prove my point about a vertical fly away mentioned earlier I've done some re-thinking. It's called things not in the manual. First is setting imperial measurements has no change on setting values for failsafe height AND maximum height. Failsafe and Max height are ALWAYS IN METERS. So when I thought I was in feet watching my telemetry at the 300 foot level and executed a RTH she busted through my 400 foot ceiling cap which likely was set at 400 METERs.. In fact it was on its way to 1200 ft = 400 meters when at about 800 feet I cancelled the RTH. Thinking I had a flyaway on my hands and no choice I did another RTH she mercifully came home without going to 400 meters. Perhaps the power level overrode the climb and she just headed back.

Further testing at much lower altitudes proved that RTH will override your max ceiling setting. Other newbie tips is the home point will not be setable unless the props are spinning or you did an assisted take off...which is sort of scary since I'd like to hear the audible confirmation "The home point has been updated" before the aircraft is airborne. Still got that vision of the I1 taking off and slamming into the steel garage door YouTube video in my head.

Another issue I'm testing is at what distance from a home point will trigger a failsafe climb? Seemed in a few flights when less than 20 ft away, she didn't climb after a RTH command. Just scooted over, dropped gear and landed. Perhaps a parallax viewing illusion. Will do more flights to confirm. Testing was done with 1.3.0 firmware installed. Seems now bird won't spin up at all when under 10% no matter how fast I cancel the auto land command. Wanted that feature to the pack calibration after 10 battery cycles. Otherwise gotta wait hour(s) for battery to drain to auto shut off level.
OK after a few re-reads of the manual and then the mysterious loss of my flight record to prove my point about a vertical fly away mentioned earlier I've done some re-thinking. It's called things not in the manual. First is setting imperial measurements has no change on setting values for failsafe height AND maximum height. Failsafe and Max height are ALWAYS IN METERS. So when I thought I was in feet watching my telemetry at the 300 foot level and executed a RTH she busted through my 400 foot ceiling cap which likely was set at 400 METERs.. In fact it was on its way to 1200 ft = 400 meters when at about 800 feet I cancelled the RTH. Thinking I had a flyaway on my hands and no choice I did another RTH she mercifully came home without going to 400 meters. Perhaps the power level overrode the climb and she just headed back.

Further testing at much lower altitudes proved that RTH will override your max ceiling setting. Other newbie tips is the home point will not be setable unless the props are spinning or you did an assisted take off...which is sort of scary since I'd like to hear the audible confirmation "The home point has been updated" before the aircraft is airborne. Still got that vision of the I1 taking off and slamming into the steel garage door YouTube video in my head.

Another issue I'm testing is at what distance from a home point will trigger a failsafe climb? Seemed in a few flights when less than 20 ft away, she didn't climb after a RTH command. Just scooted over, dropped gear and landed. Perhaps a parallax viewing illusion. Will do more flights to confirm. Testing was done with 1.3.0 firmware installed. Seems now bird won't spin up at all when under 10% no matter how fast I cancel the auto land command. Wanted that feature to the pack calibration after 10 battery cycles. Otherwise gotta wait hour(s) for battery to drain to auto shut off level.
You are correct on the metric height settings. I always work in metres to avoid any NASA type errors.

On your last point, the distance where the RTH logic switches is 20m. Below 20m from the HP the aircraft will descend where it is and land. Over 20m the standard RTH failsafe will operate (climb to set height, return and land). If you do not have a clear area of 20m radius then you are best to fly to a point greater than 20m immediate after take off. Remember there can be errors in the accuracy of the RTH distance from the HP from 2-13m depending on the wind.

The real lesson from your thought processes should be 'always work in metric' like most of the world.
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