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First flight, sudden battery % drop

Apr 22, 2015
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Hi Guys,

New owner and first thread here. Yesterday I took my Inspire out for her first flight (all firmware updated) and everything was going well. However I was at about 35% battery when suddenly the battery instantly dropped to 6% and a warning message came up on the screen. The only word I caught was "voltage" as I was freaking out a bit and keeping my eye on the inspire as it started to auto land over a puddle. Very scary moment although I managed to land it safely without any problem. The last thing I expect is for the battery to instantly drop 30% and start landing in an unsafe location though, terrifying.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and determined the cause? It wasn't cold out or anything. The only thing I could think of was that it was the first battery charge so maybe the readings were off or something? I'm kind of nervous to fly now in case it suddenly decides to land somewhere dangerous and I'm not able to steer it away in time. I checked the battery page after it landed but all the readings were off. It said 0 flight time, 100% battery, all the green bars showed about 50%, and everything else showed 0 like it wasn't getting any reading from the battery at all.

I've completely discharged, recharged the battery and everything looks good in the battery page now. Nothing unusual in the history.
High Ninja.
Welcome to this forum.
Don't feel offended,but before making a thread just look around this forum.There are a lot of messages about this issue so it's better to go this way.I know you want to fly as soon as you can,but better search this forum and get the right answers.
Anyway enjoy the Inspire and have lots of fun:).Hope to see you more at this forum.
I did find other threads with similar issues but not an answer or solution, and not quite the same issue as I experienced. I just figured I'd make it a new thread since it's my first post anyway, hope no one minds. Would really appreciate any input anyone can offer on this. :)
Hello Ninja I have never experienced the issue first hand. Here are some tips that I have gathered from the previous forum discussions that may have helped me not experience this issue.

Always fly on a full battery. Never try and fly on a partially discharged battery.
Always check your battery cell balance before take off. (I added this to my pre-flight check list)
Check cell levels periodically throughout flight. This is one that I probably should try and remember a little bit more often. Could be a potential saver, especially flying over water. You can even add a shortcut to one of the customizable buttons if you'd like.

Hope you don't continue to experience this and happy flying.
  1. I did find other threads with similar issues but not an answer or solution, and not quite the same issue as I experienced. I just figured I'd make it a new thread since it's my first post anyway, hope no one minds. Would really appreciate any input anyone can offer on this. :)
As I said,don't feel offended.Lot of times the same question comes back.
As for an answer Jason is right with his advice.I never had any battery drop out experience(fingers crossed:eek:).Hope this will be your last experience with this.Join your flights and let us know how you're doing.
See http://www.inspirepilots.com/threads/nearly-put-inspire-in-ocean.1555/#post-15788
Hello Ninja I have never experienced the issue first hand. Here are some tips that I have gathered from the previous forum discussions that may have helped me not experience this issue.

Always fly on a full battery. Never try and fly on a partially discharged battery.
Always check your battery cell balance before take off. (I added this to my pre-flight check list)
Check cell levels periodically throughout flight. This is one that I probably should try and remember a little bit more often. Could be a potential saver, especially flying over water. You can even add a shortcut to one of the customizable buttons if you'd like.

Hope you don't continue to experience this and happy flying.
Jason your response is dead on . I am trying to check my cell level as frequently as possible,and to be honest even if use the battery for set up /testing or IMU calibration I wouldn't use it for flight unles I recharge it

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