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What are your REAL flight times and is there a battery hack for the V1 for longer flight times?

May 29, 2014
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Hey All,

When the Inspire first came out everyone, myself included, were pretty awestruck. I still think it is one of the more awesome drones out there :-)

I have an opportunity to buy a buddies Inspire, but the biggest thing holding me back is the flight time.

I seem to recall someone doing a battery hack of some kind to increase the flight time. I think they pigtailed into the DJI battery and added another battery?

Is there anything out there.... a hack, larger batteries - anything to increase the flight time of the Inspire 1?

What are you real flight times with the stock unit?
Hey All,

When the Inspire first came out everyone, myself included, were pretty awestruck. I still think it is one of the more awesome drones out there :)

I have an opportunity to buy a buddies Inspire, but the biggest thing holding me back is the flight time.

I seem to recall someone doing a battery hack of some kind to increase the flight time. I think they pigtailed into the DJI battery and added another battery?

Is there anything out there.... a hack, larger batteries - anything to increase the flight time of the Inspire 1?

What are you real flight times with the stock unit?
Erik at Air America sells a 10,000mah setup for the I1. Supposed to be 30 min flight time.

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