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Forced auto-takeoff?

Nov 19, 2014
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NO CHOICE for Auto Takeoff: So I update the app to 0.9.2, update the firmware to, calibrate the compass, and calibrate the IMU. I restart everything, start the motors and hear the app tell me "The home point has been updated... TAKE OFF"

The soft button on the left side of the screen that I WOULD press if I WANTED auto-takeoff is now and auto landing button. Has DJI forced auto takeoff on us?
Auto take off worked for me. Latest firmware .16 & iOS 0.9.2. I used it with the motors off. I haven't tried, but once you powered up the motors, perhaps it assumed you are going to take off on your own.
NO CHOICE for Auto Takeoff: So I update the app to 0.9.2, update the firmware to, calibrate the compass, and calibrate the IMU. I restart everything, start the motors and hear the app tell me "The home point has been updated... TAKE OFF"

The soft button on the left side of the screen that I WOULD press if I WANTED auto-takeoff is now and auto landing button. Has DJI forced auto takeoff on us?

Not that I'm aware of. Raising the throttle above mid position will launch the craft, same as always. Perhaps you inadvertently touched the screen near that soft key?

Question for you: Didn't you post on another thread "I'm out!"? So are you keeping your machine? Or sending it back?
I hear the ipad tell me Take off but I waited 30 seconds until I decided to throttle up. I am just avoiding auto take off because of the stories, but I think that the voice is just pre-recorded.
The voice always says takeoff just means it's safe for you to takeoff not that it's going to auto takeoff...

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