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Help!!! DIY

May 7, 2015
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Hello everyone, I am hoping someone could possibly point me in the correct direction. I know this is an Insipre 1 forum and you guys have been so nice to answer my question about my Insipre.
However, this is off topic. I have been running an afterschool robotics club at my school for the past four years. During the spring 2015 semester my club members 4th and 5th graders, took 2nd place in a district wide Robotics competition. We used Lego NXT kits to accomplish this.
This year I want to raise the bar. I want the club to build, troubleshoot and learn to fly Quadcopters from scratch. This will really give them an opportunity to experience STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) on a Practical and useful level.

My question is, can anyone suggest very good complete DIY Quadcopter kits for 10 year olds? Funding it will be my next challenge. Thanks for your help....
hi Chris,
try arduino, or the KK board... it is a linux feeling having to work out everything... you can add gps and program almost everything... esc also... you can find all on hobbyking.com
hope that helps.
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hi Chris,
try arduino, or the KK board... it is a linux feeling having to work out everything... you can add gps and program almost everything... esc also... you can find all on hobbyking.com
hope that helps.
Thanks mdomeny, you are right on target!!!!
check out www.diydrones.com
they have a lot of people doing scratch builds, you can pick up a clone of the boards pretty cheap on ebay,

I made one about 4 years ago from scratch, before there were any kits easily available...... It was a good learning experience

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