I posted this over on mavic pilots but thought it may also be of interest to those who do not frequent that forum.
I can finally talk about this now that the legal matter is settled.
A few weeks ago, I was flying my mavic. An officer approached and told me drones are not allowed in the park. I was polite and told him that I’m pretty smart when it comes to drone law and I did not know it was illegal to fly here. I asked if he could show me where this rule was written. I’ll call him “good cop”
I already knew that a: there is no such rule, and b: even if there was, Michigan has a strong preemption law that prevents local units of government from enacting or enforcing any rule regarding the possession or operation of unmanned aircraft.
This officer called for backup. A second officer arrived. I’ll call him “bad cop.” He was pretty hostile and came towards me with a little
Booklet and said basically “it says right here, ascending or descending....” pointing at rule 23, which prohibits manned aircraft, manned hot air balloons, or manned parachutes from ascending or descending in the park.
I said “can I ask you a question?”
He said yes
“Am I in an airplane?”
That was it. He had me turn around and put my hands behind my back.
He searched me, and laughed when I told him I do not consent.
Then stuffed me in the back of a police car. They pulled me out after a few minutes and searched me again. I was able to hand them a copy of the state preemption law, which I was able to reach because it was in my back pocket. Then they stuffed me back in the patrol car.
My mavic and iPad were confiscated, and just to let me know who’s in charge, he took my personal cell phone too.
After about 30-40 minutes I was released with a misdemeanor citation for “unauthorized flying of drone in park” citing rule 23.
They kept all of my stuff. I was able to get my cell phone returned after a couple of days. I still haven’t gotten my mavic or iPad back.
All of the audio was recorded on my Apple Watch. I will post it here shortly.
I’m a 40 year old professional. I’ve never been in handcuffs before this. It was unexpected to say the least.

I can finally talk about this now that the legal matter is settled.
A few weeks ago, I was flying my mavic. An officer approached and told me drones are not allowed in the park. I was polite and told him that I’m pretty smart when it comes to drone law and I did not know it was illegal to fly here. I asked if he could show me where this rule was written. I’ll call him “good cop”
I already knew that a: there is no such rule, and b: even if there was, Michigan has a strong preemption law that prevents local units of government from enacting or enforcing any rule regarding the possession or operation of unmanned aircraft.
This officer called for backup. A second officer arrived. I’ll call him “bad cop.” He was pretty hostile and came towards me with a little
Booklet and said basically “it says right here, ascending or descending....” pointing at rule 23, which prohibits manned aircraft, manned hot air balloons, or manned parachutes from ascending or descending in the park.
I said “can I ask you a question?”
He said yes
“Am I in an airplane?”
That was it. He had me turn around and put my hands behind my back.
He searched me, and laughed when I told him I do not consent.
Then stuffed me in the back of a police car. They pulled me out after a few minutes and searched me again. I was able to hand them a copy of the state preemption law, which I was able to reach because it was in my back pocket. Then they stuffed me back in the patrol car.
My mavic and iPad were confiscated, and just to let me know who’s in charge, he took my personal cell phone too.
After about 30-40 minutes I was released with a misdemeanor citation for “unauthorized flying of drone in park” citing rule 23.
They kept all of my stuff. I was able to get my cell phone returned after a couple of days. I still haven’t gotten my mavic or iPad back.
All of the audio was recorded on my Apple Watch. I will post it here shortly.
I’m a 40 year old professional. I’ve never been in handcuffs before this. It was unexpected to say the least.