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I2 Go 4 App apparently destroyed an iPad Air after FW upgrade

Hey "Ed" -- I wondered where you'd been? I thought that line might resonate somewhat. Looks like the forum here has been kept in good nick under your watchful eye!

Seems like my I1 batteries self-destructing saga has been followed by this unfortunate event. But thanks for letting me tell my tale of woe. Wish we knew more but the iPad was pining for the fjords before we knew it....

And who can forget, 'Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition!' - those were the days :p.
Yes, your course of unfortunate events has certainly piqued some interest.
Logic puts me in the 'there would be safeguards in place to prevent overdriving the hardware' and since everything has to go through Apples approval system this couldn't happen' camp.
However, I guess IF there was a sufficiently fast increase in temperature that couldnt be bought down rapidly enough by heatsink and throttling back CPU cycles then........ who knows.
Certainly an interesting one.
And who can forget, 'Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition!' - those were the days :p.
Yes, your course of unfortunate events has certainly piqued some interest.
Logic puts me in the 'there would be safeguards in place to prevent overdriving the hardware' and since everything has to go through Apples approval system this couldn't happen' camp.
Yeah -- my colleague and I were in complete denial for several minutes. "No...wait...that can't happen...there's no way...surely the thermal shutdown system would kick in and we'd see 'iPad needs to cool down before you can use it' messages...."

We tried everything we could think of to bring it back. The mouth-to-mouth resuscitation was a mistake, I grant you. :rolleyes:

However, I guess IF there was a sufficiently fast increase in temperature that couldnt be bought down rapidly enough by heatsink and throttling back CPU cycles then........ who knows.
Certainly an interesting one.

We live in interesting times....
I believe it fried it. Without trying to sound like a conspiracy theorists, I believe it's on purpose! Time to get a crystal sky. On a related note; I noticed switching to GS pro and using its camera feed on it, There was no longer any video lag and the struggling iPad mini 3 was working great. No lag or CPU faults/issues at all. Worked for us all day, dispite having to you use the pilot RC and iPad Pro/Go 4 for camera settings. I know Apple does the same thing with their FW updates. DJI has followed suit.
Very... interesting, again I think they're doing it ON PURPOSE! Sorry this info seems to be a little late for you. Hope it helps others.
I have cooked a number of iPads over the years and I mean from total shut down to one being in direct sunlight for way too long and literally deforming the plastic case and Iv never experienced a graphics or hw failure other than battery BUT thats not to say stress would not bring to the front any existing issues with in the SOC for instance.

When these things are tested they have burnin tests that push them well beyond limits for extended periods of time, If Go has managed to find something to kill then Apple have a problem perhaps that's not been well known.

While it's odd every bone in my body is shouting this is not possible based on how all mobile devices are setup.

Prolonged head will kill anything but no app in normal conditions should be able too.
When I saw the "incompatible firmware" it was a firmware update for the battery in the I2 and I was using an Air 2 at the time. Later on, I got another one, but it was for the focus wheel I have plugged into the RC and saw the blinking blue LED on the focus wheel so I'm guessing that was the "incompatible firmware" message for it.

DJI isn't really good at explaining what they are trying to tell you at times, imho, with "incompatible firmware." Somehow, it might be coincidence if your iPad is truly bricked. Also, I think the older iPad AIr is no longer working with the newest GO 4, but someone else may know better (DJI's approved list is getting too old too!). My Air 2 is having some connection issues now in the latest GO version where it never did prior. More connection errors too where I have to unplug it and replug the USB cable too to get a green Connected message in GO 4 or I get the red Disconnected message.

Good luck sorting it out.

my shield K1 just started giving me my shield K1 just started giving me this connection problem also. Funny thing is I've had it in Airplane Mode for several months other than just recently I connected it to re-register a Precision mapper app. Since February, I have not been able to get through a flight without the go app crashing on my Inspire 1. Used litchi the other day and had no problem. I believe DJI is creating these problems to drive sales of their liquid Sky display
I have not seen this my self tbh and I'm using it a LOT at the moment but I'm not using a Phantom, Need more info on this tbh as there are currently some random stuff going on with Android and the HDMI board with the Phantom series since RC FW V1.8 onwards.

Not seen it on the inspire though

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