I hate asking something, when I'm probably doing something stupid.
Have a Inspire 1 Pro, trying to load new Firmware (V
Downloaded zip file, extracted .bin file and put on a newly formatted (extFat/Fat32) SD card (tried 5 or 6 diff cards)
Put SD card in the camera, powered up (full battery)
Normal camera calibrate/spin/centering etc.
Flashing yellow tail light (as its not connected to the RC)
But the green light on the camera never starts the blinking routine for FW update. and no beeping indicating firmware is being upgraded.
Current versions:
App Version 2.8.0
Aircraft Version
RC Version 1.5.70
Frimware file I'm trying to load is WM610_FW_V01.09.01.10.bin
I did find a link from another post (chinese) that allowed me to download a diff filename?
Whats the diff between these "FW" vs "FC550" files.
Have not tried the "FC550" file (yet)
Another search made comment about holding the red button in behind the nose cone while powering on to force a FW upgrade. Same thing, nothing starts upgrading.
I've never done a FW upgrade on this Aircraft yet. Came with the versions I listed above.
Have a Inspire 1 Pro, trying to load new Firmware (V
Downloaded zip file, extracted .bin file and put on a newly formatted (extFat/Fat32) SD card (tried 5 or 6 diff cards)
Put SD card in the camera, powered up (full battery)
Normal camera calibrate/spin/centering etc.
Flashing yellow tail light (as its not connected to the RC)
But the green light on the camera never starts the blinking routine for FW update. and no beeping indicating firmware is being upgraded.
Current versions:
App Version 2.8.0
Aircraft Version
RC Version 1.5.70
Frimware file I'm trying to load is WM610_FW_V01.09.01.10.bin
I did find a link from another post (chinese) that allowed me to download a diff filename?
Whats the diff between these "FW" vs "FC550" files.
Have not tried the "FC550" file (yet)
Another search made comment about holding the red button in behind the nose cone while powering on to force a FW upgrade. Same thing, nothing starts upgrading.
I've never done a FW upgrade on this Aircraft yet. Came with the versions I listed above.