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Inspire 2 should come out soon :)

Jul 10, 2015
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Because I just ordered the Inspire1! I hope to get it next week, I ordered it through my local hobby store. I'm nervous and excited at the same time.
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Congrats, and don't worry, you'll get several months of enjoyment before the next Inspire model is announced.

He'll get months of enjoyment before the next Inspire model is announced and then months MORE of enjoyment after that waiting for DJI to actually ship the next version of the Inspire....
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The inspire 2 will be announced, then wait 4 months until you can buy it, then wait 6 months until the firmware makes the craft reliable. Add another year for all of the original features to be activated.

Yet despite sarcasm, I hit 583k ft of flying this week. Not one crash. 95% of my video good to go. I am still completely convinced that the I1 is worth every penny.

A perfect aircraft? Take a look at many horror Inspire stories on the DJI forum.
There's always going to be horror stories with anything you buy. It's because;
We're all wired differently. We all react differently. We all have different opinions. We're all just different. Not one person is right and not one person is wrong. And on top of all that, there's a percentage of faulty aircrafts.

One thing we all do have in common on this hearsay forum is that we're all willing to help each other at a drop of a hat.

Can I also add, the Inspire 1 is one sexy machine [emoji197]
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You all are making it hard to wait! I've been watching videos of what to do first. Looks like reading the manual twice is key.

This is my first large quad, my largest helicopter was a 5 foot airwolf. Way before all of the autopilot and new gadgets.
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i openly challenge anyone that points the "horror stories" to find any quadcopter(hexacopter, octocopter, coaxial or flat, anything) out there that has no issues and no post anywhere about its problems.
I've never been one to refuse a challenge, but even I have to pass on this. Although I personally cant find any bad press on the larger quad I have, I know it must exist somewhere....

Simply put, multirotors fail. The more that are sold, the more that fail. It is the ratio to sales and fails that needs to be looked into..... and then the customer support given after a failure...(if you arent in prison by then)
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