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Oct 24, 2016
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I just yesterday bought a new Inspire 1 v2.0. I'm super excited about it! It won't get here until early next week though. Like waiting for Christmas. lol

It's my first drone and my first foray into aerial photography but I'm an experienced still photographer focusing mainly on landscapes and fine art. You can see my work here: ravenflight

I'm also a web developer.

Since this is my first drone, I'd be happy to hear any tips anyone has on literally anything to do with flying and/or shooting. Are there any common mistakes or pitfalls noobs should look out for?

I'm looking forward to being a part of this community!
You've made a great decision both getting an Inspire, and coming in here while you wait for the arrival. They're mostly a great bunch of very helpful people, and will find a wealth of help and support.

I did much the same thing as yourself, I went from land based landscapes, to aerial. It's amazing how many times I would look at a scene and think, "I just wish I could put the camera up there, or just off the edge there, or get the shot from a position"
All I can suggest for the moment is read up on just about everything you can get your hands, or web-browser, onto; view lots of tutorials and videos and how to's, and tips & tricks.
Download the manual for the Inspire and read up on it before hand.
These are all things that help to live the life vicariously while you await the arrival so you can live the life for real :)
And they also help make sure your new Inspire survives a little longer than they do for people who open them up and launch them without any prior preparation.
This site is full of amazing resources. Have a look around, use the search option to find anything you specifically have a question about, or just ask away.
Glad to have you on board.
It's amazing how many times I would look at a scene and think, "I just wish I could put the camera up there, or just off the edge there, or get the shot from a position"

I know exactly what you mean! So many times I've thought the same thing. I'm giddy thinking about all the possibilities this will open up! I'm going to take your advice, download the manual and read up on everything I can over the next week. Thanks for the welcome!


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