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iPad air 2?

Mar 1, 2014
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I am on my way to the store right now to buy a tablet for the inspire that I am about to buy in a couple of hours. I was thinking about going with the iPad air 2 in hopes that Apple will be supported soon. I'm about to either waste $500 or be very happy. Suggestions?
Best one to use! Not sure when its going to be supported. Mine works good with the beta copy DJI released and then pulled. I was about ready to get an android, but decided to stick it out and hope for the apple app. Good Luck!
I got the iPad air 2 a day before it was taken down. I know jack shyte about computer talk but managed to download the crack app with ease.. There's a couple of walk throughs on here and a step by step guide on YouTube. Do it
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I've tried several Android tabs, but the performance has been lacking, especially with the video feed. iPad Mini 2 has been the best for me so far w/ 0.9.2. It's not a hack, just an "unofficial" version.
I bought an IPad Air 2 specifically for the Inspire...then, on the day my Inspire arrived, DJI took the app down....I was really livid...but was able to download and install a version through this forum. It works well...the tablet is great. The only thing about the app is that there is no slider/function to control the video quality on my IPad 2...but it looks fine...was just wondering why this function was not on my app. When I contacted DJI through their chat line, they just responded with their copy and paste response about the IOS app situation. But the IPAD Air 2 works great for me.
I bought an IPad Air 2 specifically for the Inspire...then, on the day my Inspire arrived, DJI took the app down....I was really livid...but was able to download and install a version through this forum. It works well...the tablet is great. The only thing about the app is that there is no slider/function to control the video quality on my IPad 2...but it looks fine...was just wondering why this function was not on my app. When I contacted DJI through their chat line, they just responded with their copy and paste response about the IOS app situation. But the IPAD Air 2 works great for me.

Does your app crash? Mine seems to crash once after about 5minutes..
No crashes on my IPad Air2 - it's been fine. I did crash my Inspire flying inside today...no control at all...ran into a wall and fell from about 7 feet. Props broken but everything else is fine. I've flown inside before and had no problems...something was wacky...I did all the calibrations...who knows? I digress. My app is working fine. No more inside flying for me.
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Thank you...I was not in airplane mode...and I'm sure my wireless was on. Plus, I was in front of the Inspire, having to use controls in "reverse." Probably a really bad idea. I lost props, but am amazed that everything else is fine. I recalibrated...flew outside and everything worked perfectly, including camera. But not being methodical before I fly (when I think I am) is so important. I'm going to create a check list, including the airplane mode. Thanks for the input...this has been bugging me like crazy, trying figure out why I wasn't able to control the craft.
How does the iPad Air 2 look on a bright day? I have an iPad Mini 2 and it's pretty hard to see in the sun. Apple says the Air 2 has 54% less glare, wonder how true that is.
I don't think anything is good on a bright sunny day. I made a simple sun shield out of black foam core and gaf (duck) tape. It's not pretty but it works great. I guess there are some out there, but some use magnets, which may be an issue. My IPad air is not good in the sun without a shade...with a shade, it is fabulous. I really like the App. Will feel better when DJI and Apple get this settled and I can get a sanctioned version.
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I don't think anything is good on a bright sunny day. I made a simple sun shield out of black foam core and gaf (duck) tape. It's not pretty but it works great. I guess there are some out there, but some use magnets, which may be an issue. My IPad air is not good in the sun without a shade...with a shade, it is fabulous. I really like the App. Will feel better when DJI and Apple get this settled and I can get a sanctioned version.

Thanks for the reply Figbar! I'm interested in the Moverio as well, hopefully we'll see app support soon. I guess I'll have to get creative with some gaffers tape today.

I've tried several Android tabs, but the performance has been lacking, especially with the video feed. iPad Mini 2 has been the best for me so far w/ 0.9.2. It's not a hack, just an "unofficial" version.

Hi Jon. I tried to instal this on my iPadMini but I have an error message. Could you please tell us (and me :-) ) how do you install this once you downloaded it on your mac. Thx !
Hi Jon. I tried to instal this on my iPadMini but I have an error message. Could you please tell us (and me :) ) how do you install this once you downloaded it on your mac. Thx !

You'll need to use an additional app from either Pandaapp, iFunBox, or Zeusmos. One of those will allow you to install the app. There are also links floating around the forums that allow you to install from your device, but they are a limited number of downloads.
For those of you using an Air2 and having problems with the app crashing, try turning off "Background App Refresh" in General Settings. That plus turning off all apps you don't need (double tap Home button, then slide up to turn off) and airplane mode has kept my Air2 running like a champ. It seems the hardware decoder (on the Air2 only, the minis and Air1s don't have this issue) is the culprit, and doing the above prevents crashes.
Also, it seems that there is a new iOS version (1.0) out that is being tested by beta testers as we speak, so it seems that DJI is still confident that Apple will release an official app sometime down the road. Time will tell.
You'll need to use an additional app from either Pandaapp, iFunBox, or Zeusmos. One of those will allow you to install the app. There are also links floating around the forums that allow you to install from your device, but they are a limited number of downloads.

Thx Jon, it works perfectly !

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