I just bought an Inspire 1 with 2 GL658A controllers. One has current firmware and works fine. The second was apparently never used and has pre ver. firmware. When I turn it on I get the firmware is out of date message with a reference to a youtube video that is unrelated. I've researched it as much as I can, including this site, Apparently if the ver is pre you can't update it with the DJI Go App until you first update it to ver and then you can use the Go App. The firmware on the controller is ver. 1.2. something. I found a 3 year old post here that references a couple sites that may have a copy of ver I've tried them both. One is a dead end, the other (http://www.panorobot.com/dji/inspire_firmwares.htm) has a zip file that I downloaded, but am unable to extract, says the file empty, although it takes up 22M. If anyone knows where there's a copy of ver lurking around I'd really appreciate a reference. Thanks.