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Looking for Replacement ND Filter for Camera

May 11, 2014
Reaction score
Peoria IL
I am looking for a replacement ND Filter for my inspire 1 camera.. I have broken one included and would like to buy another. If anybody can point me in the right place that would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks
The Inspire filter is 35mm so how is it that the one you purchased from Amazon fits? Plus most filters are male and the Inpsire filters are female. I can not tell what orientation the filter is on Amazon. Hope to hear some good news from you because I need one ASAP and DJI is out of stock as is Adorama and B&H
The Inspire filter is 35mm so how is it that the one you purchased from Amazon fits? Plus most filters are male and the Inpsire filters are female. I can not tell what orientation the filter is on Amazon. Hope to hear some good news from you because I need one ASAP and DJI is out of stock as is Adorama and B&H
No it isn't... It's 37mm outside thread with a finer pitch than standard photography filters!
I was just looking at the close up of the one for sale at Adorma and it says 35mm but if this worked for you I will take your word on it. DJI is sending me another one but who knows when that will be here. Took my copter out for its first flight today but it is overcast so exposure is fine but the sun will be coming out soon and I will need it.

Thanks for your quick feedback.

Many thanks,
I was just looking at the close up of the one for sale at Adorma and it says 35mm but if this worked for you I will take your word on it. DJI is sending me another one but who knows when that will be here. Took my copter out for its first flight today but it is overcast so exposure is fine but the sun will be coming out soon and I will need it.

Thanks for your quick feedback.

Many thanks,
No worries.... didn't want you to go and buy a 35mm and find it didn't fit :)

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