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massive battery drain from pilot app

Feb 9, 2015
Reaction score
South Florida
Hey guys is anyone experiencing massive battery drain from the pilot app? I have two different things running on my tablet under pilot app, one is causing insane battery drain and I cant close it. Its shown on top. Brought my battery from 100 percent to dead in about 25 mins. Its the one running under android system.Screenshots_2015-02-17-20-06-53.png
What tablet?
Were you flying during those dips?
Are you properly closing the pilot app after flying?
Have you been using the tablet for other stuff in the meantime?

Obviously the pilot app uses a massive amount of power, it loads everything in your tablet to the max to process that heavy video stream.
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I tried the reinstall last night. There was someone else having this issue with on the official dji forum. I'm thinking about switching tablets but don't like the "nit" brightness level of the ipad mini for direct sunlight however I think maybe I should switch to something else (other than my 10.1 2014 Note) for flying based in issues I've been having.

And no, I wasn't even flying. I was just updating my controller

As far as closing the app... Yes, I completely kill it. However the one shown on top I can not force closed. This screensshot is taken after the pilot app is fully closed
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I tried the reinstall last night. There was someone else having this issue with on the official dji forum. I'm thinking about switching tablets but don't like the "nit" brightness level of the ipad mini for direct sunlight however I think maybe I should switch to something else (other than my 10.1 2014 Note) for flying based in issues I've been having.

And no, I wasn't even flying. I was just updating my controller

As far as closing the app... Yes, I completely kill it. However the one shown on top I can not force closed. This screensshot is taken after the pilot app is fully closed
...Soflms, sorry dont have a solution, just another question if you dont mind, what ver Android and did it ever Finish the Ctrl'r UpDate pls, i also have the 10.1 (2014), i'll load app & conn to bird tonite, let you know what i see, TIA...
...mine is Android v4.3, DJI-App v1.0.7, almost looks as if you have 2 versions of DJI-App running or poss running 2 processes, updating ctrl and reg op.. mine running here at work with Map & GPS shows 4%, will update with more nfo later... (did have to cycle pwr to remove it from battery.. strange..)
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Hey guys is anyone experiencing massive battery drain from the pilot app? I have two different things running on my tablet under pilot app, one is causing insane battery drain and I cant close it. Its shown on top. Brought my battery from 100 percent to dead in about 25 mins. Its the one running under android system.View attachment 495
Turn off GPS (location services) - you don't need GPS on your device turned on since your remote has GPS internally.
Should slow down your battery drain somewhat.
nor do you need wifi or blue tooth running as well. Kill all services and apps not required
Won't turning off gps mess with the maps in the pilot app? My tablet is wifi only so I always turn hotspot on my phone on, connect to pull the maps up on my tablet, then flip airplane mode on both devices. I don't know why but my tablet battery life has been better lately. Also I close all running apps preflight. Still can't see it on sunny days (a whole other thread is running on this topic) so those days I use my phone because even in full sun, with glare, I can see the screen just fine
Maps are stored in internal memory of your tablet !! Guys just mention that problem with extreme fast drain start when record button is pushed.. Have same problem and right now i put tablet in airplane mode and save energy on and record about 15 minutes with about 12% of battery drain and full light on!!!! Immediately i turn off airplane mode and save energy off and record about 6 minutes, i restart my tablet and shows that from 80% that stops when stop record with airplanemode and save energy on - 15% :eek::eek: so cause i dont have time right now , can anybody with same problem do the same turn on airplane mode and save energy and record then restart tablet to see if actually these work with save energy and airplane mode on???????

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