Hey everyone. I posted this question in another ongoing thread but haven't had any luck getting an answer yet. It's a very simple question but yet has me completely puzzled. Anyway here is my question : Upon setting my return to home failsafe altitude the pilot app crashes every time. I don't know if this is causing the issue or non related, but Its making it tough to actually set a rth altitude and have it stay when I re open the settings. I'm getting the warning that my minimum altitude is set to 0.0ft when I try to set my home location to where the aircraft is prior to take off. It doesn't prompt me with this warning when I choose to set the home location to the transmitter. What am I missing here, and what does get 0.0 minimum altitude mean? Does this mean the inspire will land itself in the rth? And this is represented by the 0.0? I've heard people talk about setting that to like 4 feet so it will stop and hover. Any help appreciated