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Nosecone interfering with image transmission

Jun 8, 2021
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Hello to everyone-

New Inspire owner, and new to the forum. purchased used.

I have been dealing with the dreaded “image transmission” issue and have been scouring the various threads and have tried pretty much everything I have come across, short of ordering new ribbon cables.

However, I discovered something quite by accident and wanted to see if anyone had any input on it.

While going through the process of cleaning gimbal contacts, checking ribbon cable attachments, etc… I removed the nosecone and while it was removed did a test flight to see if any of the things I tried caused an improvement.

Everything worked flawlessly! I put the nosecone back on and did another test flight and all of the transmission issues returned. Was on auto freq and changed to best freq “20 in my case” and problem persisted.

I am flying an I1 Pro v2, confirmed good USB cable, have downgraded and re-upgraded controller, aircraft on current firmware, can’t downgrade from my understanding, cleaned gimbal and camera contacts, checked for any loose connections, checked and fiddled with gimbal lock, flown in deferent locations, tried both on auto freq and selecting best freq.

Interesting issue and thought I would throw it out there and also see if anyone had experienced something like that before or had any advice. ay be a weakening transmitter?

Thanks for any input!

Are you sure you can't downgrade to v1.08/1.09 firmware?

What camera are you using? If it is an X3 it should be downgrade able to v1.08.x.x.

Just be sure to downgrade the controller. Unless it is a late model GL658C (and if it is a GL658C try going to the older firmware first and if the controller won't work than no use trying to revert the aircraft).

Honestly, if you can downgrade the controller firmware, you should be able to downgrade the aircraft and be just fine.

This is the first time I have heard the nosecone is and issue. Actually, since the nosecone doesn't have antennas it is kinda strange it would have any effect in any way. The antennas are located in the "feet" of the aircraft.

Are you sure that the screws for the nosecone didn't compromise the cables in any way? If so then the screws are the big issue, not the nosecone itself.
Are you sure you can't downgrade to v1.08/1.09 firmware?

What camera are you using? If it is an X3 it should be downgrade able to v1.08.x.x.

Just be sure to downgrade the controller. Unless it is a late model GL658C (and if it is a GL658C try going to the older firmware first and if the controller won't work than no use trying to revert the aircraft).

Honestly, if you can downgrade the controller firmware, you should be able to downgrade the aircraft and be just fine.

This is the first time I have heard the nosecone is and issue. Actually, since the nosecone doesn't have antennas it is kinda strange it would have any effect in any way. The antennas are located in the "feet" of the aircraft.

Are you sure that the screws for the nosecone didn't compromise the cables in any way? If so then the screws are the big issue, not the nosecone itself.
Thanks for responding, Brian.

I’m not totally sure I can’t downgrade, however in my copious searching around, I came across a couple threads that stated the most recent firmware basically blocks you from downgrading, so to be fair, I stopped at that point. I think it’s 1.11.50 or something along those lines

I am currently using the X3 camera.

It is a later model controller, the aircraft is the black edition. When I downgraded it previously, it wouldn’t work with the app/aircraft, which was expected. I was attempting the advice of making sure the RC was updated AFTER the aircraft

The interference is the image transmission, and from my understanding the Lightbridge antenna is in the nosecone. Or maybe I’m just totally crazy and had one lucky flight with the nosecone off.

Regarding the screws, I’m sure they didn’t pinch or come in contact with anything.
Honestly, the big issue with the V2 and downgrading is because of the X5/X5R cameras. You WILL brick the X5/X5R on a downgrade.

But, on a X3 camera it should be perfectly safe to do a full downgrade.

Be sure to use the "forced" _DEBUG option when doing the downgrade and it should be fine.

Match the 1.08.x.x along with the corresponding controller firmware and see how it works. I would imagine you will be fine and notice all your problems are gone.
Through a very convoluted process, I now have an X5 on the drone.
I also have started flying with an IPad Pro.
So far, seems to be working. I haven’t done any kind of distance test yet, but the problem was so immediate and persistent, I am hoping it is resolved. Of course, a resolved problem where I didn’t really do a whole lot to resolve it is never very comfortable.
I will do some more testing with this new set up and report back.
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Is your nosecone painted/stickered?

I am thinking if so, the material used is causing blockage.

Honestly, no one else complains about the nosecone causing problems.

If issues till persist, I would say you need a new lightbridge module as an entire assembly including the antenna.

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