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Phantom 3 Leaked Info

Mar 20, 2014
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Boston, MA

If true this really narrows the gap between the Inspire and Phantom lines. In fact if true it could be called "an Inspire in a Phantom shell", with ultrasonic and optical flow senses, Lightbridge HD FPV, DJI Pilot app, GPS remote, 4K camera and dual remotes. All for a fraction of the Inspire price point (1k-1.2k).

We Inspire owners will need a serious bump in camera quality and other options to keep the gap open IMO :)
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I'll probably buy a P3 for use to complement my Inspire. Currently my P2 uses a GP4 camera and although the fisheye never bothered me much in the past, it does now. I still enjoy using my faithful old P2 but I'm aware that I need to keep my video imaging quality as standardised as possible. Anyway, that's the ******** line I've used to convince myself to pull the trigger on a P3. Sadly, Its worked!

In all reality though, I'd rather have $1500 up there doing the hard yards and keep the I1 for the more valuable work.
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So far I'd rather stick to the I1. The P3 has been described as a consumer level drone and opposed to the I1 which is a prosumer drone.

I feel that the P3 has a spot next to I1 and would use it as a backup drome for professional use.
So far I'd rather stick to the I1. The P3 has been described as a consumer level drone and opposed to the I1 which is a prosumer drone.

If you feel that the I1 and P3 is separated only by $ then you're free to sell the I1 and get the P3.
relax...now I see why you are outta control...lol...I was poking fun...
The MC is awfully annoying :p

The live stuff was pretty ballsy. Don't want a flyaway there :D

Don't judge noise on the video, there's of course no microphone anywhere close to the thing.
Ugh, when you want to do things like Apple do it right - their "ambassadors"'s speeches are so very obviously fabricated and exaggerated it hurts...
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Looks like they're phasing out the Inspire :eek:


Screen shot taken from: http://store.dji.com/inspire-1

Their site has been messed up since adding the Phantom.

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