I have a construction site survey in a downtown city block that fronts up to the river on East side. The next block North... is a small electrical sub-station that sits on the Northern 1/2 of the physical block... with the remaining segment being a small City Park. The Park is between the construction block and the sub-station.
The DJI app shows an area for sub-station without any warnings, KittyHawk app doesn't even show the sub-station, the AirMap App shows it as a small zoned circle but when using LAANC to register a construction survey, it lists the sub-station in the same manor as multiple Medical Heli Pads, Local Jail, Federal Site and Airports in that it's not indicating a NFZ, TFR, or restricted section... just under the Notices it lists it as: "Electrical Power Station".
The City\Fed Jail, interestingly presents a Popup Acknowledgement Pre-Flight Notice that must be acknowledged to take-off... indicating that PIC is aware of being within a zone for a Jail, Not allowed to fly over Jail and PIC is acknowledging will not fly over the Jail.
My flight path for the construction survey does not go over the Sub-Station, but it does enter the zoned circle of the sub-station. Per my understanding, if flying over a Power Station it's not prohibited as a NFZ, but you're suppose notify and obtain permission from the Power Company.
My question, if it's a sub-station, not a power plant... and if it's restricted, shouldn't the AirMap app (or other Apps) show it's restricted, not provide PIC authorization for flight as not allowed? Does one need to obtain permission to fly in same block as the circle zone of Electrical Station if not going over the sub-station?
I've been flying the construction site for 3 months on a weekly schedule (weekend) with no issues. Police have been working the construction site driveway for dirt trucks, and Sub-Station crews have been present every weekend. This weekend, 2 Gents came over and said I wasn't allowed to fly over the sub-station and needed to cease. I mentioned I wasn't over the sub-station, offer to show my flight path and indicated I had received FAA flight approval for the flight. They did mention in the conversation, that their Boss said the area had a "NFZ" circle around it, I showed them multiple maps that indicated different. They were "Sent" over by their Boss so they didn't really care... we all chatted for a bit and they returned to work with a satisfied opinion I wasn't a concern.
I'm not wanting to be outside legal standing, but I don't want to encourage a possible refusal and then have the construction survey limited.
Am I in the wrong?
The DJI app shows an area for sub-station without any warnings, KittyHawk app doesn't even show the sub-station, the AirMap App shows it as a small zoned circle but when using LAANC to register a construction survey, it lists the sub-station in the same manor as multiple Medical Heli Pads, Local Jail, Federal Site and Airports in that it's not indicating a NFZ, TFR, or restricted section... just under the Notices it lists it as: "Electrical Power Station".
The City\Fed Jail, interestingly presents a Popup Acknowledgement Pre-Flight Notice that must be acknowledged to take-off... indicating that PIC is aware of being within a zone for a Jail, Not allowed to fly over Jail and PIC is acknowledging will not fly over the Jail.
My flight path for the construction survey does not go over the Sub-Station, but it does enter the zoned circle of the sub-station. Per my understanding, if flying over a Power Station it's not prohibited as a NFZ, but you're suppose notify and obtain permission from the Power Company.
My question, if it's a sub-station, not a power plant... and if it's restricted, shouldn't the AirMap app (or other Apps) show it's restricted, not provide PIC authorization for flight as not allowed? Does one need to obtain permission to fly in same block as the circle zone of Electrical Station if not going over the sub-station?
I've been flying the construction site for 3 months on a weekly schedule (weekend) with no issues. Police have been working the construction site driveway for dirt trucks, and Sub-Station crews have been present every weekend. This weekend, 2 Gents came over and said I wasn't allowed to fly over the sub-station and needed to cease. I mentioned I wasn't over the sub-station, offer to show my flight path and indicated I had received FAA flight approval for the flight. They did mention in the conversation, that their Boss said the area had a "NFZ" circle around it, I showed them multiple maps that indicated different. They were "Sent" over by their Boss so they didn't really care... we all chatted for a bit and they returned to work with a satisfied opinion I wasn't a concern.
I'm not wanting to be outside legal standing, but I don't want to encourage a possible refusal and then have the construction survey limited.
Am I in the wrong?
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